Chapter 137: New Year Dinner (part 2)

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Inside the smell of of food had already filled the house and made Zimo's stomach grumble.

"Are you hungry?" LongWei said chuckling.

Embarrassed, Zimo's face turned red.

LongWei decided to take out some nuts and fruit to snack on while he cooked some dumplings for lunch. While LongWei did that, Zimo went to the cupboard with all their games. Because of Zimo's interests they had accumulated quite a few.

The first was Othello. It was their go to whenever they played games. Using the same pieces, Zimo would switch it up and play checkers with it. He even thought about the backgammon game, but couldn't exactly remember all the rules.

Next we're the playing cards. He knew several games they could play with them from Poker to Go fish. He had worked hard to make two decks so they had more variety. Unfortunately, Zimo's skill when making them was lacking. "This spring I wonder if I can ask Mo Weizhe to make a better more beautiful deck of cards if I ask maybe he could make an UNO deck as well?" Zimo thought.

They also bought some dice so they could play Shut the box. It was a little more complicated, but fun for a change of pace. The number of games they could play was quite a bit and although he didn't remember all the original rules for every game, they could make their own.

although rough they also had boards for snakes and ladders, Sorry, Cribbage and just a classic board with squares leading from a start to finish. These were made rather rough because of Zimo's lack of woodworking skills. H e planned to save money and maybe ask a carpenter or maybe even old man Li to make a more refined version of all of them.

The reason Zimo had such an interest in board games was because he often played them online to pass the time or relax while taking a break from writing. He liked the board game style rather than RPG or bloody shooting games which were more popular. These games also tended to be cheaper to play online.

One day, Zimo and LongWei decided to play Crazy Eights. It was an easy game, but Zimo kept changing the rules as they played. Frustrated LongWei had him write out the rules, so he could no longer change them. Now, whenever Zimo introduced a new game he needed to write a rule card to go with it.

"What game should we play? LongWei took out snack so a more durable game is probably best... should we just start out with Othello?" Zimo pondered as he looked at the games.

Finally settling on Othello Zimo pulled it out and brought it over to the table. Soon after LongWei came out with some snacks. "The dumpling are cooking. They should be done soon. What game did you chose?" LongWei said.

"Let's start with the classic Othello first." Zimo said as he grabbed a few dried jujube from the bowl.

"Listen to you." LongWei said sitting down. Contrary to LongWei's burly appearance he was rather good at playing board games and enjoyed playing them as much as Zimo.

The two played a few rounds. Zimo won twice and they tied the third time.

"The dumplings should be just about ready." LongWei said getting up to leave.

"Dear, do you want to keep playing Othello or change to something else?" Zimo said with a smug face.

"Then how about Shut the Box?" LongWei suggested. Zimo's smug face quickly darkened. He might have taught LongWei how to play Shut the Box, but he could barely win against him.

"I'll consider it." Zimo said not quite willing. LongWei knew Zimo didn't like the game as much because he always lost. Chuckling he went back in the kitchen to grab the dumplings and their special dipping sauce.

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