Chapter 111: Favours

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LongWei wasn't completely reckless when facing the possibility of encountering the group of men in the village. Knowing the mountain terrain and paths like the back of his hands, LongWei quickly moved away from the village.

He left the mountain in a deserted area where few if any people would go. They area was none for having many venomous snakes. Thankfully it was already cold and the snakes were dormant.

From there he needed to make a choice. He could either go to the village entrance which was closer and take an ox cart into town, or he could continue walking and head to old man Li's village.

Struggling to decide LongWei looked down at Zimo listening to him wheeze. A significant amount of time had passed but instead of getting better he seemed to be having a harder time breathing.

"Hold on baby, everything is going to be fine." LongWei whispered as he headed to the village entrance to catch an ox cart. "The village has a doctor. Chances of those men going to town are low. Even if we do run into them I'll protect him." LongWei thought with determination.


Reaching the village entrance LongWei was correct the area itself was quiet with few people moving around. LongWei didn't see any ox or mule carts, so he simply continued down the road on foot.

With his long legs LongWei jogged forward. He wanted to run, but when he picked up the pace Zimo squeezed LongWei's neck in discomfort. The movement was too rough from Zimo's current fragile state.

Nonetheless LongWei managed to  move quickly and caught up with an ox cart on its way back from town. Seeing the cart LongWei slowed and approached. There didn't seem to be anyone riding in the back.

"Sir, is it possible to ask you to turn around and take us to town?" LongWei asked brow covered in sweat.

"Did something happen?" The cart owner asked.

"Yes, my husband and I were attacked. He's hurt and I want to take him to the doctor quickly." LongWei explained.

The cart owner took a look at Zimo. Shocked he quickly asked, "That young man, is he by chance Zhang Zimo?" He asked.

"He is. Do you know my husband?" LongWei asked suspicious of the man's intentions.

"I do. The young man helped when some ruffians tried to kidnap a young child and rob me and the other riders. I owe him." The cart owner said as he urged LongWei up on the cart.

LongWei remembered Mrs Li telling him about the incident. He was relieved and jumped onto the cart followed by the three wolves.

"Are those your pets?" The man asked a little surprised when they jumped up.

"They are, will they be a problem?" LongWei asked as he glared at the man.

"No, of course not. Let's move quickly." The cart owner said as he turned the cart around and with a hit off the whip rushed towards town.


Upon reaching town, LongWei got off the cart.

"How much do we owe you for the ride?" LongWei asked moving to grab his money pouch.

"Nothing, consider it free. I owe that young man. Now quickly get him to the doctor." The cart owner urged.

Thankful for the man's generosity LongWei nodded and jogged into town with Zimo in his arms.

Along the way, LongWei heard a loud voice call out from behind.

"Hey! Boss Yuan. Hold up."

Stopping and looking towards the voice LongWei saw the two Yan brothers and Han Fengge. LongWei dint have the time to talk so he nodded and turned to continue on his way.

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