Chapter 7: A Sweet Moment

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"The weather feels wonderful. Hey little birdy, what will you be doing today? I was thinking of going to the base of the mountain. Last time I saw some some people picking fruit from the trees. They look delicious. Have you tried them yet?" Zimo chatted with the cute little bird perched on the tree next to the side of the path. It was small and cute. It looked like a little cotton ball.

If he remembered correctly this species was called a Shima Enaga. They are incredibly cute. If he could he would love to pet the fluffy little bird.

As Zimo continued to walk down the path, stopping from time to time to pick some chicken grass, he spoke to his surroundings.

He was a chatterbox and loved speaking, but never to people. He simply chose to speak with the animals and plants around him instead, they would never hurt him because of it. And if they didn't not want to listen they would simply leave. Unlike people who would turn around and ridicule you behind your back.

When Zimo finally reached the base of the mountain when he looked up he saw several bayberry trees. He had never eaten this fruit before, but it looked red and delicious.

As he started picking the fruit he noticed several insects mixed in, but that wasn't a problem for Zimo. He wasn't afraid of insects, they could simply be washed away before eating them.

After gathering a small basket full, he decided to walk back towards the river to wash and enjoy the fruit.

"Wow! It's so sweet and juice." Little fishes, do you like fruit? Probably not, I've never heard of fish eating fruit, but it's a shame. These bayberries are delicious. I wonder if LongWei enjoys eating them? It would be nice if after he wakes up we could pick some together...
No, no. I can't think about that. When he does wake up, there is no way he could like me. I'm not trying to be negative little fishies, just realistic. I am a man who married him while he was in a coma. No man in their right mind would be happy with such a situation. I will be lucky if he doesn't throw me out to the side of the road the moment he wakes up."

Zimo had finished eating half the basket full of bayberries, but kept the rest in the basket after thoroughly washing them.

"I'll bring these back and give some to LongWei. He is probably also tried of eating that watering porridge every day for breakfast and dinner. Bye bye little fishes, see you tomorrow."

Zimo walked back towards the house when he crossed paths with QianFei. At first he wanted to turn around and run, but it was almost dinner time and he needed to prepare the water and wood. So he endured the goosebumps and continued to walk towards the house.

"What do you have in your basket?" QianFei asked as Zimo passed him.

Zimo didn't know how to answer so he quickly nodded to acknowledge his presence before running through the door towards the chicken pen.

QianFei stared at his back as he ran admiring the surprisingly fleshy butt. He couldn't forget the feeling of  meat under his palm from the time he pulled Zimo out of the water.


After feeding LongWei his dinner, he took the soon and placed the bayberries in the bowl with a little water and began to crush them.

"Do you like barberries? Today, I decided to pick a few at the base of the mountain. I saw some villagers picking them the other day and ventured to pick some of my own today.
They are very sweet and juice. You can't eat anything solid, so I carefully crushing them. You can drink the sweet juice made. I love sweet things. They just fill ones soul with a feeling of comfort.
The season for bayberries is reaching the end soon, so you will need to wake up soon if you want to pick them yourself. But I think for the next few days if I can finish the days work early I can prick a few and give them to you."

Zimo chattered on as he prepared the sweet juice and started feeding it one spoonful at a time into LongWei's mouth.

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