Chapter 28: BABY

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Knock... knock...

"Who is it?" Old man Li called out from inside.

"It's Yuan LongWei and Zhang Zimo." Replied LongWei.

The door was quickly opened. "What happened? Why are you back so soon. Weren't you planning to stay up there for  two months?" Old man Li asked worried something might have happened.

"It's nothing serious. I just wanted to buy some vegetables and seeds for the garden up there. We have enough rice, but it isn't very healthy only eating rice and meat every meal." LongWei explained as they walked into the house.

Hearing the noise Mrs Li came out of the kitchen. She was preparing dinner. "Oh my, why are you both here so soon? Is everything okay. XiaoMo come here quick and let me see you." Mrs Li said as she approached Zimo.

"XiaoMo why are you so red. Did you get sick, quick come sit down and tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing serious Mrs Li. I was just out in the sun for too long. I'm okay now." Zimo reassured her.

"LongWei, how could you let this happen. Zimo is much more delicate then you. You need to take better care of him." Mrs Li reprimanded LongWei.

"It isn't LongWei's fault." Zimo tried to help, but Mrs Li still looked at LongWei w8th an angry glint in her eye.

"It's my fault. I wasn't careful enough. Zimo hasn't been feeling well for a few days now, plus the hot sun. I should have been more careful." LongWei said with a tinge of guilt in his voice.

"What!? What happened? Should we call the doctor?" Mrs Li started to panic a little.

"It isn't much, we caught a roe deer a few days ago. I didn't plan on coming down the mountain, so we decided to eat it ourselves. I didn't think about how sensitive Zimo's body is and fed him a lot of meat for each meal and he got sick." LongWei explained, his mood growing darker as he explained what he had done.

"Is that why you want to by vegetables and seeds?" Old man Li asked, noticing the problem.

LongWei nodded.

" have you eaten yet? I can you cook you some vegetable soup to ease your stomach. Husband go to the garden and pick some hearty vegetables." Mrs Li ordered.

"You don't need to go to such trouble. I'm fine eating anything..." before Zimo could finish LongWei thank Mrs Li and sat Zimo down at the table and shooed old man Li out to get the vegetables.

"What are your plans for tomorrow." Mrs Li asked.

"Hm. We'll sell some rabbits I caught at the morning market and then do some shopping."LongWei said.

"Don't forget to stop by the doctors, if Zimo has a stomachache again, you need to prepare some more medicine for him."

"Medicine is too expensive. I will be careful so we don't need to spend the mon..." Once again LongWei cut Zimo off.

"Hm. I'm going to ask the doctor for several prescriptions that he might need in the mountain." LongWei explained.

Zimo felt a little flabbergasted. "Why do they keep cutting me off. I'm not as fragile as they think." Zimo thought.

Old man Li came back with a basket full of fresh big vegetables. Mrs Li took it away and continued making dinner. Without even asking the Li's had simply assumed they would stay.

... dinner was naturally delicious, but Zimo couldn't eat very much. Although he felt better after sleeping, but after taking a few bites he started feeling a little nauseous again. Noticing Zimo's discomfort they didn't force him to eat a lot like the last time.

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