Chapter 134: Normal again?

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A week after old man Li left the mountain, Zimo and LongWei finally seemed to reach a happy compromise between what LongWei could or couldn't do.

"Baby, I'm going to prepare dinner." LongWei said as he headed inside. He and Zimo had just finished cleaning up the yard. There was a lot of snow oiled up because of the storm the night before.

"Phew... I hope it doesn't keep snowing like this. My back can't handle it." Zimo thought as he stretched. Now that LongWei was injured he did a lot of the manual labour and it was taking its toll.

Going inside Zimo dropped down on the couch not wanting to move. "How was LongWei able to do all this by himself before?" Zimo thought. He knew LongWei was tens of times more physically fit then himself, but when he would work it always looked so easy. He never imagined if he did it, it would take three times longer and make his body ache.

Coming out of the kitchen LongWei saw his little birdie slumped face down on the couch. "Baby, you'll feel better after taking a bath tonight." LongWei said as he sat on the edge and began massaging Zimo's hips and back. Zimo could only hum satisfied by the massage.

Hearing Zimo's humming LongWei's mind began to wander to other activities. "I'd much rather be massaging him because of a night of passion than shovelling the snow." It had already been more than a week since they last did anything.

Even so, it was currently impossible. Not only did Zimo already make his stance clear about being intimate before he healed, Zimo's body was already having a difficult time with muscles aches and exhaustion.

Suppressing his desires, LongWei stood up again and went back in the kitchen to check on dinner. It would be terrible if he burnt it.


After dinner Zimo enjoyed his bath. When he fell asleep last time and woke up in bed it was a shock. They specifically moved the tub and everything so LongWei wouldn't be carrying anything heavy, yet he ended up being carried by LongWei.

"I can't fall asleep this time." Zimo thought as he relaxed in the tub. Unfortunately, what you want isn't always what you get. Once again Zimo fell asleep in the tub and was taken care of by LongWei. Last time Zimo complained that LongWei should have woken him up. But LongWei had no unintentional of doing that. "In the morning, my little birdie is going to puff up cutely again." LongWei thought as he limped his way into the bedroom carrying the sleeping Zimo.


Morning came and just like LongWei predicted Zimo's cheeks puffed and his brow furrowed when he realized he had fallen asleep again in the tub.

"Good morning, baby." LongWei said, holding ack a chuckle.

"You didn't wake me up." Zimo complained squinting his eyes in dissatisfaction.

Without batting an eye LongWei immediately lied. "I tried, but you wouldn't wake up no matter how much I called out or shook you. I was actually afraid you had a fever."

"Really?" Zimo questioned suspiciously.

"Didn't I promise to wake you up if you fell asleep in the bath again?" LongWei said without any guilt about lying.

Zimo blushed. "Sorry for doubting you. And sorry for falling asleep again." Zimo muttered as he buried his head under the quilt.

"Don't apologize, baby. I'm glad to help you whenever you need it." LongWei said, finally feeling a little guilty, but not enough to tell the truth.

"Baby hurry out of bed, we need to have an early start if we want to check the traps today." LongWei continued. He had finally convinced Zimo to take Ji out for a walk to check the traps and look for any signs of bandits.

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