Chapter 31: FRAGILE

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LongWei sat with Zimo win his arms not sure what to do next. Hearing what the doctor aid, he didn't know what he needed to do for Zimo. Living on the mountain was peaceful and he didn't need to worry about other people. However, the area itself was dangerous and full of animals and plants that could kill Zimo. It was also a lot of work. With just the two of them, they were responsible for more.

"It might be better to move to a village sooner rather than wait for this winter." LongWei thought to himself. He wanted what was best for Zimo, but it wouldn't be easy to get it for him. Zimo was a fragile little birdie. His little birdie, who might break at the slightest touch.

Soon Mrs Li and old man Li arrived at the doctors. Seeing Zimo unconscious in LongWei's arms they became very concerned. "What wrong with XiaoMo?" Mrs Li asked.

"He's fallen asleep. The doctor said he is mentally exhausted." LongWei explained.

Mrs Li realized from LongWei's explanation what might have caused Zimo's turn for the worst.

"This morning Zimo didn't wake up until around ten. It was a little late, but he needed the sleep. I didn't want to wake him. However, when he finally woke up he did not look well. He was ghostly pale, covered in seat, yet cold to the touch.
XiaoMo told me he had a nightmare and he would be fine after crashing up. I wanted him to stay at the house instead of coming into town, but he insisted on coming. I think he was feeling insecure and maybe even a little unstable. I didn't know what to do to reassure him, so I agreed to coming to town despite his poor health." Mrs Li explained.

Hearing this LongWei started to remember how Zimo looked the time he left to go hunting. He did seem a little distressed when he said goodbye and overly happy when he returned. If he acted that way when he knew about LongWei's absence, waking up finishing him gone after a nightmare would certainly affect Zimo negatively.

"It's my fault. I still don't know everything about Zimo. He has a lot of fears and just like the doctor mentioned ghosts weighing in his heart. I shouldn't have left without at least waking and talking to Zimo." LongWei's mood darkened as he blamed himself.

"When we left the village, he seemed to cheer up a little. It really wasn't this bad. What mad is worst is the incident that occurred on the way here." Mrs Li continued to explain what happened with the two men.

"Zimo was very brave, and he is strangely very good at fighting. Not the kind of strength you have, but his fighting reminded me of seeing martial arts. I was truly surprised. Only I think it was too much for Zimo's current body to handle and he took a turn for the worse when we reached town."

LongWei looked at Mrs Li s she explained what had happened. His mood went for anger, to expression, than surprise and guilt. A veritable rainbow of expressions and colours crossed his face listening to her story.

"My little birdie is definitely strong. He is  also brave and stubborn. When we walk through the forest he moves forward with such confidence. If he had a healthy body, I might not be able to win against him." Thought LongWei. However it was also because his body was sickly he would need to pay extra care so something like this wouldn't happen again.

As LongWei and the Li couple talked Zimo started to fuss. LongWei held him in his arms and reluctantly shook him lightly awake. It wasn't impossible to carry him back to the Li's house as he slept, but he also had shopping they needed to do and Zimo had specifically wanted to explore the different seeds available.

Zimo woke up still tired, but better than before. This time he didn't have a nightmare, and saw LongWei the moment he opened his eyes. Smiling Zimo said, "Dear."

"Hmm, baby I'm here. How do you feel?" LongWei answered as he pushed some stray hairs from his forehead.

"... Tired, but I'm not dizzy anymore." Zimo honestly answered.
"Okay, baby. What do you want to do? Should we head back, or do you still want to take a look at the store?"longWei asked.

Mrs Li stood next to them shocked. Zimo was in no condition to shop. He needed to go home quickly and back in bed. She was about to say something, when her husband old man Li stopped her. "LongWei understands Zimo the best. Let him decide." He said.

"Can we go shopping for a bit? It's better to do it now while we are here, then to have to come back again tomorrow." Zimo had decided he wanted to go back up the mountain as soon as possible. It wasn't that he didn't like the Li couple. But staying in the village or town meant meeting many different people.

Zimo has never been good with others. The only person he has ever felt truly comfortable with is LongWei. Being up in the mountain just the two of them made him feel the most at peace, he really wanted to go back.

"Listen to you." LongWei said as he picked up Zimo like a princess.

"Eh!? Dear, what are you doing? You don't need to carry me I can walk on y own."zimo said.

"No." LongWei said back.

"But I'm heavy, if you carry me you'll feel tired and... and you'll have muscle aches tomorrow." Zimo said feeling more embarrassed the longer his stayed in LongWei's arms.
"Baby, you are not heavy. Your as light as a feather. I need to work harder to fatten you up." LongWei said with a completely serious face.

"Eh!? What do you mean fatten me up. I definitely won't look good fat." Zimo said his eyes growing bigger.

"No, you look amazing as a little piggy." LongWei said as he chuckled.

Zimo realized he wouldn't win this argument, so he aims for a compromise. "Dear, you can carry me, but not like this. Can I ride your back instead?" Zimo said with a bright red face.  It was nice seeing colour return to zimo's face so LongWei put him down and squatted in front of him.

Still feeling shy, Zimo climbed up and hugged his arms around LongWei's shoulders tightly.


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