Capter 64: Separation

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Soon after, the Yuan family arrived. This included the father, mother, the eldest daughter-in-law, and the youngest son.

They entered the room with grim faces. Seeing the family enter Zimo subconsciously curled up and moved closer to Zimo. This action did not escape from Leader Xu's sight. It would seem the young man did not have an easy time while in the Yuan's home. However how a family chooses to discipline it's members was not in his purview. He could only intervene when capital offences such as rape or murder were involved.

"You unfilial thing. You dare to come here." Father Yuan said, as he tried to hold back his temper.

"Leader Xu, I do not agree to this boy separating from the family. What he is doing is a horrendous act against the family." Father Yuan said as he pleaded his case.

"Under normal circumstances I would agree with you Mrs Yuan. However, it has come to my attention that you allowed your eldest son to rape your second son's wife." Leader Xu said while emailing calm.

"Is that what he told you? Don't be ridiculous. I simply gave the eldest permission to punish that slut for wasting perfectly good food. It is within my right to decide how to punish others in my home." Father Yuan stated.

"How was the eldest son intending to punish Zhang Zimo?" Leader Xu asked.

"I don't know, nor do I care. He asked for the chance and I allowed it. Does it even matter?" Father Yuan said growing more impatient.

"It does matter. I need to understand why you ask every member of the family to leave the house so that the eldest could perform his punishment." Leader Xu continued to question Father Yuan. He understood after this short conversation that Father Yuan was indeed aware of the eldest son's intent.

"Enough! You have no right to interfere in this matter. LongWei you come home and we will deal with it as a family, without outsiders." Father Yuan said unable to remain seated.

"No. I will never return to that house again. Zimo and I are here to separate from the family. We will not leave until we do." LongWei shot back with bloodlust.

Hearing her son's words Mother Fu decided to intervene.

"LongWei, listen to your father and come home. We have been very worried about you. I don't know what Zhang Zimo has said to you,  it you mustn't believe his lies." She said as she sobbed into her handkerchief.

"Yes, you can't believe that thing. He refused to work and when he was reprimanded he would retaliate by filling the pots and covering the buns with mud. You is a vixen. You can not believe him." The eldest daughter-in-law said.

"Lies? Zimo did not need to lie to me. While I was in a coma I could hear everything damned thing you said and did. I will not say anything about the beatings as it is your right as the house patriarch, but having to lay there as my rotten elder brother tried to rape my wife is something no man could ever tolerate." LongWei said as he pounded his fist on the table fuming.

Zimo had never scene LongWei act so violently before. Feeling startled by the sudden outburst Zimo nearly burst into tears in shock. He wasn't afraid of LongWei, but of the situation.

Realizing LongWei had been awake during his time in a coma, the  family's complexion quickly darkened. They did not expect this. TingFeng the troublemaker that he is took this opportunity to make matters worse.

"Brother calm down. You can't blame the family for eldest brother's actions. You have always known how lustful he is. I mean we wouldn't have eldest sister-in-law if he could control himself."

The implied meaning did not go over Leader Xu's head. He had heard rumours that the Yuan's eldest son would spend most days visiting the brothels in town, but to learn that he had found a wife through such ways was unbelievable.

"TingFeng! Watch what you say in front of outsiders."father Yuan screamed as he turned to Face him. At this point it wasn't only Mother Fu, but now the eldest daughter-in-law who was crying.

LongWei looked at his father dead in the eyes. "Zimo and I are separating from the family. Now I am giving you one chance." He said as he threw a bad of silver on the table.

"Agree to the complete separation of our family, assets, and responsibility and take the money or keep wasting my time and get nothing but broken bones."

Father Yuan was terrified. He had seen LongWei angry. He had been hit by him on more than one occasion and seen LongWei beat his brothers bloody, but he had never been so afraid of his own son as he was now.

He looked down at the bag of money and made his decision. "Leader Xu it seems we need to trouble you to write the contract." He said trying to seem composed.

LongWei and Leader Xu had already discussed and written the contract. It was read aloud for both to hear.

When Father Yuan heard the part about the house on the mountain he  wanted to object, but before he could speak LongWei glared at him.

Next was concerning filial piety and taking care of his father and mother in their old age. LongWei had Leader Xu include this and it stated LongWei and Zimo would not be responsible for it in anyway.

The family could not intervene in the other. Essentially stating all familial ties and responsibilities were cut from the moment the contract was signed.

Mother Fu did not want her son to abandon the family. But when she tried to speak father Yuan hit the table with his palm and said, "Continue."

After Leader Xu finished reading the contract both LongWei and Father Yuan signed it. Three copies were made. One copy was kept by the village leader, one was given to father Yuan, and the last was given to LongWei.

After they were done LongWei thanked leader Xu for his help. Leader Xu when would be a good time to meet and discuss that other matter?" He asked.

"In three days, I will have the time to spare." Leader Xu said.

After saying goodbye. LongWei and Zimo left the village leader's house.

"Brother LongWei, are you happy being stuck on a mountain with that "wife" of yours?" TingFeng asked.

LongWei new this younger brother. He never trusted him. "Don't call me brother." He said pulling Zimo forward towards their cart.

"So you chose him. That disaster in sheep's clothing. It was really the Yuan family's mistake to marry him into the family. If it weren't for him, you would still be a filial son. If it weren't for him eldest brother wouldn't have disappeared." TingFeng continued.

LongWei understood TingFeng's intentions. He wanted to direct all of the Yuan family hostility towards his little birdie.

"TingFeng. I don't know about elder brother disappearing, but it has nothing to do with Zimo. He made his own choice and I have made mine."

"Would you have chosen to leave if he didn't show up?" He asked while smiling maliciously.

LongFeng turned to look at TingFeng. He had noticed his father's anger rising because of TingFeng's words.

"Yes. I planned to separate from the family and return to the army this summer because I couldn't bare the responsibility that is the Yuan family." LongWei stated without mincing his words.

"What do you mean you can't bare the responsibility of the Yuan family?" Father Yuan yelled.

"Father, you gamble and drink away all my hard earned money without restraint. Eldest brother uses his own money gathered outside to visit the brothel and rape women. And this one...,"

LongWei said as he pointed to TingFeng, "It won't be long before he gets thrown in jail. Worst of all he might even get the entire family beheaded with his despicable means. Before that happens I have planned to leave the family." LongWei said with a stern face, then he turned lifted Zimo up on the cart before climbing up himself and riding away.

Hearing LongWei's words, TingFeng's face lost its usual smile as he watched his second brother drive away.


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