Chapter 45: Pets

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"Sorry, but I'm really happy now. I can't let you eat me." Zimo whispered to the dying wolf.

He never liked killing animals. However Zimo knew that the strong prey upon the weak. The animal kingdom was simply the purest version of this. Today, he was the strong, and tomorrow he might be the weak. It was also something he learnt after the little rabbit he and LongWei had caught when they first arrived died.

LongWei had comforted him as he cried when it was found dead in the cage. Zimo didn't understand why it died. He had taken very good care of it. LongWei at the time said it might had been too weak. It was still a baby after all. After that Zimo didn't want another pet rabbit.


Finally breaking free from their shock the Yan brothers approached Zimo.

"Boss Zhang? Are you okay? That was so cool. How are you so strong? Seriously, that was amazing!" The brothers spoke very quickly and at the same time. Zimo couldn't understand what they were saying.

"Sorry, but can you stop." He said. He didn't want to listen to the two brothers any longer.

"Oh, sorry. We just wanted to say your amazing boss Zhang" Yan Bo said after calming down a little and covering his brother DanDan's mouth.

As more people approached Zimo grew more upset. He didn't like being in the centre of a group.

The Yan brothers had gotten close to Zimo these few days. Noticing Zimo's furrowing brow and discomfort they turned and started shooing the others away.

"Back up. Can't ya see your making him uncomfortable, or what ya think ya can take on his husband Boss Yuan?" The brothers said pushing the others away.

Feeling more comfortable, Zimo turned around and looked at the wolf. "I wonder if we can eat this? Even if we can't the fur looks warm. It would be nice for a quilt or a rug." Zimo's mind began to drift as he thought about using the wolf fur.

Suddenly he noticed movement from the wolf belly.


Curiously, Zimo bent down and looked at the wolfs stomach. The stomach started moving again. "What could it be?" Zimo asked himself as he moved to touch the belly.

Upon touching it the movement grew stronger. Zimo looked up at the wolf he had just killed. "Could it be the wolf is pregnant?" Realizing what was happening Zimo yelled.

"A knife, I need a sharp knife!" He yelled. The men were shocked. They had never heard Zimo talk much, let alone yell.

Hearing Zimo ask for a knife, one young man passed the knife he had been using to cut branches off the trunks to Zimo. Curious at what he planned to do with it, he looked over intending to watch.

It wasn't just him, but everyone who wanted to know what was about to happen.

Zimo took the knife and carefully cut the belly of the mother wolf. When he cut halfway up the abdomen Zimo stuck his hands into the belly. Feeling around Zimo pulled out a baby wolf, then another, and finally one more for a total of three small baby wolves.

Everyone stared. They couldn't believe what they saw. Boss Zhang had not only killed a wolf, but he cut open its belly and pulled out three living and breathing wolf pups.

"Water! Can someone go tot he kitchen a bring me a pot of warm water that was boiled and go in the shed and grab one of the quilts from the bed." Zimo called out again as he cut the umbilical cords and started wiping the blood and inter uterine fluid from the pups.

He wasn't sure if the pups would survive, but he wanted to save them. Not knowing exactly what to do, he treated the pups like babies. He wasn't a doctor or midwife, but he had watched enough TV to know some things.

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