Chapter 91: Fish

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When Chang Shaoqing approached the river, he saw the intimate posture between Zimo and LongWei.

"Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt he said a he turned back around easy to leave.

"Interrupt? Your not interrupting. Are you done making the traps. If you are do you want to fish?" Zimo aid. He had apparently forgotten the fact he was currently sitting on LongWei's lap.

"Are you sure? You two seem to be..." Chang Shaoqing said hinting with his eyes.

The situation finally clicked in Zimo's head. "No, this isn't what it looks like. LongWei just didn't want me sitting on the cold ground." Zimo said flustered.

"Dear, quick let go." Zimo said trying to get up.

LongWei wanted to refuse, but he knew which battles to fight and when to surrender. He helped Zimo up and placed him on his usual boulder after first putting a thick fur down.

Seeing as Zimo wouldn't be alone, LongWei decided to check on the others and the finished traps.

"You two keep fishing. I'm going to go check on the others." He said before passing his fishing rod to Chang Shaoqing and leaving.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your sweet time." Chang Shaoqing said feeling embarrassed.

"You really didn't. LongWei was just being overly cautious. Sometimes I think he believes I'll break from the slightest touch." Zimo complained, but his voice was filled with tenderness.

"Can't blame him. I've only known you for one day, and I also think your pretty fragile." Chang Shaoqing bluntly stated.

Hearing Chang Shaoqing's comment, was like being stabbed in the heart.

"So how do I use this thing?" Chang Shaoqing said trying to change the subject.

"Oh, hook a worm on the hook at the end and place it in the water." Zimo said as he demonstrated with his own fishing rod. In this time period, they did eat fish. Although when it came to catching them, they preferred using nets or spears.

"Now what?" Chang Shaoqing asked confused.

"Just wait for the fish to eat the worm and pull it up." Zimo explained.

"That seems a bit slow." He said doubtfully.

"It's not meant to be quick. This way is more relaxing." Zimo admitted. He and LongWei often had a lot of free time. Fishing became Zimo's hobby and LongWei would accompany him when he wasn't out hunting.

As they waited for the fish to bite, Chang Shaoqing asked about what Zimo was planning on making with the fish.

"Nothing special. LongWei is going to steam it. The flavour is light and easy on the stomach." Zimo explained. He knew a few more complicated or flavourful fish recipes, but he liked the simpler steaming best.

"Do you mind if I use the fish I catch to copy your recipe?" Chang Shaoqing asked expectantly.

"No, that's fine. It's just..."

Before Zimo could finish he felt a tug at the end of his line. He immediately started to reel in the big fat fish.

"Woah you caught one." Chang Shaoqing said as he stood up to help. Pulling up the fish they worked together to unhook it and place it in one of the pots with a few smaller fish. Zimo looked at his fat fished satisfied. "It's perfect for steaming." He thought.

When he turned around he noticed Chang Shaoqing's rod moving.

"Quick you have a fish!" Zimo said as he pointed at the rod. Chang Shaoqing quickly leapt over and pulled up a fish. It wasn't as impressive as Zimo's but it was still big.

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