Chapter 131: Concern

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Old man Li has been staying at the house for three days, now. During this time he learned how to play Othello and the dice game Zimo managed to complete called "Shut the Box". Both were simple games.

"Tch. Can't you go easy on this old man." Old man Li complained. LongWei and him had been playing Othello. Despite his many attempts LongWei had defeated the old man every time.

"Would you really be happy winning that way?" LongWei teased as they reset the board.

"Zimo, why don't you take my place and play against LongWei for a bit?" Old man Li said as he waved Zimo over.

"Maybe later. I need to go milk the goat and check for any chicken eggs." Zimo said as he headed towards the door.

"I can do that for you. You sit down and rest for a second. You can't be running around all day without sitting down once." Old man Li complained as he stood up.

"Zimo, come play. The challenge would be nice." LongWei added.

With both men asking him, Zimo decided it wouldn't be a problem to play a game or two. Sitting down he placed the first piece on the board.


"Hey don't even think of cheating." Zimo said when LongWei gently tapped a previously placed piece on the board.

"Whose cheating?" LongWei answered playing the fool. They often played against each other and knew every trick the other might try to win. In the end Zimo managed to win. Since learning how to play LongWei had improved a lot. Out of ten games LongWei might win four.

"That just there. You were trying to slid your piece over." Zimo pointed out the piece LongWei had hit.

"That wasn't on purpose. My hands are big." LongWei countered.

"Suddenly you can't use our hands properly? I don't believe it." Zimo said as he shook his head. In the end LongWei lost the round.

"Play another game?" LongWei asked as he moved to clear the board.

"No, there still a lot that needs to be done." Zimo said getting up again.

After getting up old man Li came back from outside. "Zimo have you and LongWei finished? Why don't you play a little longer?" He asked as he knocked the snow off his feet.

"I need to check the yard and I was thinking of catching a fish for dinner tonight." Zimo said.

"Fish? Don't you have that simple fishing rod? Just give it to LongWei. He just needs to sit to catch a few fish." Old man Li said.

Zimo wanted to refuse. He didn't want LongWei doing anything that could risk worsening his burns. Over the past few days they had formed some large blisters and looked very painful.

"Zimo, it's quite boring staying inside all day. Let me get a little fresh air. I promise not to overdo it." LongWei said. Zimo had been overly cautious and strict with everything LongWei did these past few days.

It was almost like they had switched roles. LongWei was the injured and sick one, and Zimo was the one worrying and trying to stop longWei from pushing himself and making his condition worse.

LongWei was fine with Zimo being more protective and controlling. It even warmed his heart. Unfortunately, unlike LongWei, Zimo still had a fragile or sickly constitution.
He also hadn't been eating or sleeping well. This made Zimo look exhausted and made LongWei's worry outweigh his joy from Zimo's care.

"I was also hoping to get your help. I think the wife would enjoy playing this Othello game. Can you explain how it's made? Better yet, do you have any woodworking tools and extra wood I could borrow to make one?" Old man Li continued.

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