Chapter 133: Compromise

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Zimo managed to sleep the whole day away. The next day when he woke up, he still felt weak, but it was much better than the day before.

"Baby, how are you feeling?" LongWei asked as he leaned over to check Zimo's forehead.

"Okay." Zimo said his throat dry.

"You're fever seems to be gone. I'll go get some soup for you to eat. Try to eat as much as you can." LongWei said as he moved to get up. Zimo sluggishly crawled out of bed following LongWei.

"Baby, you can stay in bed." LongWei said as when he saw Zimo getting up.

"No, I can't stay in bed I need to move and I need to use the bathroom." Zimo said, his ears turning crimson.

LongWei couldn't help but smile at his little birdie's reaction. Taking the crutches LongWei made his way to the kitchen while Zimo left for the bathroom.

When Zimo returned, LongWei had already set the table with a large bowl of chicken soup with ginger. For both of them.

"Baby, try to eat as much as possible. You've lost too much weight, it worries me." LongWei said sincerely.

Zimo smelled the delicious soup and for the first time since the fire his stomachs growled. "I wonder if crying so much reactivated my stomach?" Zimo thought.

The last few days, he really didn't feel hungry. The little he did eat was only because LongWei complained if he didn't eat anything. Now, however he felt really hungry.

Sitting down Zimo took a spoonful of broth and after smelling the rich broth he slowly sipped it. The warm liquid moved down his throat and into his stomach warming him from within. "Delicious." Zimo thought. As he squinted his eyes in delight.

LongWei who saw Zimo's reaction was happy. He enjoyed watching Zimo's expression as he ate. Recently, Zimo was expressionless while eating,  it this morning he finally looked content.

The two silently finished their breakfast. Zimo was so hungry and enthralled by the delicious soup he paid no attention to anything else. Whereas LongWei was afraid to interrupt Zimo who was finally eating a decent amount. He even pushed his own half full bowl of soup over to Zimo so he wouldn't have to wait while he got another helping.

In the end, Zimo finished two and a half bowls of soup before he finally sat back satisfied. "My little birdie is the cutest when he's full." LongWei thought as he watched Zimo rub his belly.

"Dear, I'm going to go and check on the animals in the stable." Zimo said as he got up to go.

"Okay, I'll clean up in the kitchen and head over once I'm done."LongWei said grabbing the tray full of dishes with one arm and his crutch with the other.

"Are you okay to carry that?" Zimo asked.

"Baby, I had no problem when they were full, why would I have problems now that they are empty." LongWei said with a chuckle. Zimo was so engrossed with eating earlier he never noticed LongWei heading over to the kitchen for seconds.

Zimo blushed, "T... Tell me if you need help." He said before dashing back into the bedroom to change before heading outside.


Entering the stable, Zimo first checked on the animals to see if everything was okay. Without any apparent problems he led the old mule outside for some fresh air. The blind horse Ji followed along using the sound of the old mule's bell to lead the way.The two animals were always together and got along well.

Once they were outside Zimo started cleaning out their stables. He needed to change the grass and any manure that was left behind. It was hard work and made his already stiff body ache. Despite that it needed to be done. Usually LongWei would handle this part, but now he needed to do it while LongWei recovered.

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