Chapter 138: Zimo Goes Out Alone

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After the New Year, things went back to normal. LongWei's leg healed well. Although it had some scaring, it wasn't anything to serious or scary looking.

"Dear, your back already?" Zimo asked when LongWei came back inside after only an hour. It had snowed the night before, so LongWei went out to shovel the paths around the yard clean.

"Yeah, the snow was soft and not as deep as it looked." LongWei said as he shook of the snow from his clothes.

With LongWei feeling in top condition, he and Zimo could go back to their normal division of labour. LongWei would never say it directly, but to be honest cleaning the stables and shovelling the snow went much faster when he did it himself.

"That's good. Dear, can you sit down? There's something I want to talk to you about." Zimo say pointing at the chair across from him at the table with a serious face.

LongWei wasn't sure what it was, but Zimo was never this formal before.

"What is it baby? Is something wrong?" LongWei asked feeling a little anxious.

"Nothing's wrong. It's the opposite. You've been a really great teacher when it comes to riding Ji. I can even  go up to a canter here in the yard." Zimo started to say.

"I'm glad you think I'm a good teacher. But what does any of this have to do with your serious demeanour right now?" LongWei asked suspiciously.

"Well, I was thinking I should try riding on my own a little." Zimo said with a look of great determination.

"Baby, you have been riding on your own." LongWei responded not quite understanding Zimo's meaning.

"No, I don't mean being the only one on Ji, but going somewhere alone. You're either right next to me, or within sight." Zimo clarified.

"So, you want to ride on a dangerous horse by yourself far away where I can't see or find you if something happens?" LongWei said. Usually when he spoke about .ji he was all praise about how safe and gentle he was. Yet, now he suddenly considered Ji dangerous.

"You make it sound like I will get hurt. But I've gotten very good at horse riding. You admitted it yourself the other day. I think it's time I take Ji out for a ride around the area outside our yard alone." Zimo continued to try and persuade LongWei.

"You are better, but better isn't perfect. And even amazing riders can have accidents. If something happens while your out riding, how will I know? How can I save you?" LongWei said clearly not happy with the idea.

"Dear, you need to have a little trust and faith in me and Ji. It won't be a long ride, and I won't go to far. I just want to try it." Zimo said determined to get LongWei's okay.

"No, it's too risky. There's no reason for it." LongWei directly this time.

"There is a reason. What if something happens to you and I need to ride Ji down the mountain alone? How will I have the confidence to do it if you never let me." Zimo said. His argument sound.

"Don't won't be necessary. Nothing will happen to me." LongWei said.

Zimo's response was to simply point at LongWei's left leg. LongWei knew what he meant, and he had to admit his reasoning was right, but the thought of Zimo having an accident really worried him.

"How about I just follow along with old DaiDai from a distance? I'll be so far back you won't even know I'm there." LongWei said thinking his compromise would easily be accepted by Zimo.

"No. Dear, I'm not just doing this for me, but also for you. You need to let go sometimes. You managed it a little while you were hurt, but now your going back to your usual, "I'll do everything." Attitude again. Dear, we need to trust each other we're both adults and equally responsible for this marriage." Zimo said.

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