Chapter 76: Danger

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Zimo and LongWei had been hunting in the deep forest for three days and two nights. During this time they managed to catch twenty rabbits, but ate four of them. Two pheasants, a fox, and a roe deer.

Looking at their harvest LongWei decided to start heading back home. They could continue to hunt as they went along but even if they didn't, they had gotten enough to buy what they would need for the winter.

Near the small stream they had previously stopped at for lunch LongWei decided to take another break. Zimo settled down as LongWei moved in the surrounding area to check on the traps he had previously set.

Zimo obediently stayed by the river as he had done many times before. Suddenly the wolf pups became vigilant. Zimo looked on with excitement. They had done this many times during their trip and each time they had successfully hunted their prey. The most prized was of course the fox.

This time however Chen did not move forward but instead backed up towards Zimo.

"What's wrong?" Zimo thought as he looked at the little pups.


Hearing the loud pig like snort Zimo paled. It couldn't be a pig. If it's not a pig, than it must be a boar. LongWei and warned him about boars previously. They are violent, strong, and fast. Zimo quickly grabbed his shovel and surveyed his surroundings.

"Should I climb a tree? No, what will the pups do? The rocks there are high up. If I stand on it I should be able to avoid a direct confrontation." Deciding on his next move Zimo snapped his fingers to get the pups attentions before quickly running towards the large boulder by the river.

The wolf pups obediently followed as they stayed alert to the boars movements. The boulder wasn't very high at only one meter, but it was safer than staying in the ground. Once perched on top, Zimo tried to locate the boar.

Soon he saw movement in the trees not far away. Followed by another loud snort. He couldn't be certain if the boar had noticed him, but he was not willing to get its attention purposefully.

Despite his intentions the boar soon noticed him and the wolf pups atop the boulder. It's small beady eyes stared at Zimo before releasing a loud menacing sound followed by it stomping the ground hard.

Zimo grasped the shovel in his trembling arms, heart pounding in his chest.

The boar charged towards Zimo. When it approached the boulder Zimo swung the shovel down hitting it hard in the head. The boar grunted, shaking as it shook his head before roaring once more.

Zimo was weak and the boars head was tough. If it had been LongWei the hit might have caused some damage, sadly Zimo only seemed to anger it more.

The wolf pups darted into actions at the boars second attempt to charge at Zimo.

They leapt from the boulder and started growling and barking to catch the boars attention.

"No!" Zimo screamed. The wolf pups were fast, but they would not be able to escape a full grown boars attack.

The boar turned distracted by the wolf pups. At the same time Zimo struck the boar ha4d once more in the hips as it moved away from the boulder.

Being hit by Zimo a second time the boar set its sights on him. The rage building in its eyes as it prepared to charge towards Zimo once more.

When Zimo struck the boar on the hip he needed to step down on a lower boulder. He did not have time to climb back up the meter high boulder and escape the boars charge.


Appearing at the last moment was arrow piercing the boar directly in the eye. With the boar squealing from the pain, Zimo decisively swung the shovel hitting the boar once more across the head.

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