Chapter 144: My Accident Prone Little Birdie

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LongWei and the six other soldiers met up on the way back to the house. They had broken into groups of two to cover more more ground.

Kong Huizhong, Chang Shaoqing, and Lao Ping managed to find a roe deer after a quick shot to the back leg they captured it an walked back victorious.

LongWei and Tan Yan also caught a roe deer. Thanks to Chen catching its scent they quickly locked in on its trail and with one shot each to its front legs captured it.

The only unlucky ones were Xu Qingsheng, and Yi Lei. They didn't come back with anything big, but still managed a few small rabbits.

However, because it was spring the were far too skinny. Seeing them LongWei decided to let them go. If he was lucky they might make a home nearby and the wolves or Bay could hunt them when they were bored as training.

When they entered the yard everyone turned to look at the odd sight in front of them. An old mule was crazing followed by a horse with a crooked saddle on its back.

Seeing the saddle LongWei had a bad premonition. "Zimo!" He called in a panic running towards the horse, yet at the at time not knowing where to start looking.

Seeing LongWei's panic the other men finally realized what probably happened. "Fan out and search the area!" Kong Huizhong said decisively. Everyone nodded and started moving.

The only ones who didn't panic were aching and Chen who hurried over to the log house. Tan Yan who always kept at least one eye on the wolves, noticed their behaviour and followed them inside.

Seeing Zimo asleep on the couch looking a little disheveled he relaxed. "He's in here!" Tan Yan yelled out the door.

Hearing the call LongWei quickly ran over and burst through the door. "Baby, baby are you okay?" He asked as he gently touched the sleeping Zimo's pale face.

Feeling LongWei's touch Zimo woke up. Blinking a few times he stared at LongWei for a second. "Welcome back. Did your hunting trip go well?" He asked not noticing the strange atmosphere.

"That isn't important. Baby, what happened?" LongWei asked a little agitated by Zimo's nonchalant attitude.

Zimo continued to stare at LongWei, unsure of what he meant. He was still a little drowsy after waking up and couldn't think about the fall immediately.

"We saw the slipped saddle on the horse and thought you might have been thrown off." Kong Huizhong interrupted noticing Zimo's confusion.

"Oh, that. Mm, I fell but it wasn't Ji's fault. Dear, don't be mad at Ji." Zimo stressed the last part. He knew LongWei liked Ji and didn't want their relationship to sour because he stupidly fell.

LongWei didn't know what to say. He mood changing from worried, to angry, then relief, back to angry again and so on...

LongWei remained motionless, so KongHuizhong decided to ask in his stead. "Are you hurt? Could you tell us what happened?"

"Mm, I took Ji for a walk around the yard. Suddenly a big branch fell and scared us both." Zimo said calmly explaining what happened.

"Did the horse rear back and throw you off?" Chang Shaoqing asked this time as LongWei's face grew paler.

"He did, but I didn't fall off. LongWei thought me how to hold tight if Ji ever reared back." Zimo said praising LongWei in hopes of calming him down. Unfortunately, it didn't work LongWei continued to look at him with his deep dark eyes, his expression difficult to read.

"Then what happened?" Kong Huizhong asked confused.

"We'll I'm not sure why, but when I tried to dismount, the saddle slipped." Zimo said neglecting to mention falling at that point.

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