02: Amputation

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Amputation? His leg is fine, why amputate him?

"The leg infection has spread, and you must undergo surgery within a week. I just happen to be free today." The implication was that the operation could be arranged immediately to amputate Liang Fei's leg.

Liang Fei came back to his senses, looked up and saw that the doctor was holding his personal information, and his tone seemed to be discussing the good weather today.

The surgery is performed within one week, which means that there is still some room for manipulation in the time for performing the surgery.

The top priority is to find a way to create disturbances in the institute as soon as possible, which can not only create opportunities for teammates to explore the institute, but also delay today's surgery.

Liang Fei quickly calmed down, and quickly glanced at the layout of the entire room.

The layout of the house is very ordinary. There is an operating table in the middle of the room, and all kinds of surgical equipment are placed beside the operating table, which led Liang Fei to think it was an operating room at first impression.

In fact, there are several extra items in this room that would never be found in an operating room. For example, there is a row of cabinets in the corner of the room. If you look in through the gap in the cabinet door, you can see a few spare white coats inside. On the left side of the operating table, there is an additional experimental table, on which are placed miscellaneous experimental equipment.

Liang Fei's gaze stayed on various experimental equipment for a while, and he found a tool to create chaos.

"Aren't you going to arrange an operation for me? You have to call those people back first, right?" Liang Fei said.

Liang Fei originally wanted to take this opportunity to sneak out, but the doctor was obviously unwilling to leave an experimental product unsupervised in the research institute, so he put on his white gloves again and walked to the deepest part of the room. There's an emergency call button there that temporarily acts as a communication device.

The moment the doctor turned his back, Liang Fei came down from the operating table lightly, quietly lit the alcohol lamp on the experimental table, lit the sterile cloth that he brought along, and then put the burning sterile cloth to the hospital. Throwing it high, it aimed at the smoke alarm on the ceiling.

Didi! Didi--

The ear-piercing siren was deafening, and then with a "wow", cold water fell from the sky, dousing the fire and cooling Liang Fei's heart.

The warning light flashes red, and the emergency light is also illuminated. Liang Fei was about to take advantage of the troubled waters and run out in the direction of the emergency lights. Unexpectedly, just as he took a step, there was a loud noise from the depths of the corridor!


It was as if a high explosive had been detonated in the room at the end of the corridor. The shock made the knives on the operating table jingle, the experimental equipment was knocked over, and various liquids were poured on the table, mixed together and reacted with each other, and white smoke hissed out!

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Something is wrong!

Liang Fei's nerves were tense, and he felt a palpitation for no reason. It is impossible for a simple fire alarm to cause such a big movement. It seems that something uncontrollable has been activated with the sound of the fire alarm!

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