28: In the world

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The door was knocked twice politely. In view of the experience of being picked on the first time he opened the door, Liang Fei looked at Maoyan first this time.

A man and a woman stood outside the door, they were exactly Xu Yueqi and Zhang Yun'an who had just reached a verbal cooperation with him.

Seeing that no one opened the door, Xu Yueqi raised her hand to knock twice more.

"Is there something wrong?" Liang Fei opened the door and asked.

Jia Yue looked out the door curiously, Xu Yueqi saw that there was a non-reincarnated person in Liang Fei's room, and it was not easy to drive others out, so she had to invite Liang Fei to the coffee shop.

Liang Fei nodded in agreement, but he didn't go to the coffee shop. He was going to find some wound medicine for Jia Yue just now, and there was something he could talk about on the way.

Before leaving, Liang Fei told Jia Yue: "Until I come back, don't open the door for anyone else."

Jia Yue nodded obediently, expressing that he would definitely carry out any orders of the master seriously.

The location of the infirmary is remote, and there are no pedestrians along the way, which is just convenient for the three of them to talk about things related to the mission.

"Do you feel that something is wrong with this task?" Xu Yueqi said.

"Why do you say that?" Liang Fei threw the question back.

"The difficulty of this mission is A-level, but from the beginning of the mission to the present, nothing happened on this ship." Xu Yueqi frowned.

It is precisely because they are too peaceful that they feel so uneasy. Because this shows that they still don't know anything about the danger up to A-level.

Seeing Liang Fei's doubts, Xu Yueqi explained again: "The world's danger level in the investigation mission is also an item in the novice gift bag. The highest difficulty level Yun'an and I have encountered before is level B, and the difficulty level of ordinary tasks is level C. This time This is the first time we have encountered a world with A-level difficulty, so we approached you abruptly for cooperation."

Liang Fei took the time to check the difficulty of "Gross Research Institute", and the difficulty of escaping from the research institute is only C level.

Thinking back now, if Liang Fei ran away with all his heart, and his teammates didn't kill each other, this task is indeed not too difficult.

"After you entered this world of reincarnation, did you encounter anything worthy of attention?" Xu Yueqi asked.

Liang Fei immediately thought of the tail on the security personnel, but he didn't see it very clearly at the time, and speaking of uncertain things would only create unnecessary panic.

So he chose another thing: "This morning, I was identified as a murderer."

The point of the message in this sentence is not who the murderer is, but that someone on board died unexpectedly.

Special events involving deaths, most likely related to their quests. After all, their task is to survive for more than five days, and the goal that requires direct efforts is not to find the map of the research institute, but to find a way to survive.

"The deceased was a tourist named Jiang Ke, who was on the third floor like us. It is said that he gambled with Sun Qiang and lost all his property, and died between last night and this morning." Liang Fei said.

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