23: Poisoning

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The tentacles firmly grasped Liang Fei's shoulders and waist, and he rushed forward. Liang Fei was bumped so badly along the way that his brains were almost shaken out.

There was only a ping-pong-pong sound in his ears, and after a few seconds the pain was finally transmitted to his brain, Liang Fei gasped hissingly, and only the buzzing sound remained in his ears. When the big octopus finally stopped, his eyes were full of gold stars, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

Liang Fei lay paralyzed on the ground for a while, and finally sat up unsteadily when his limbs finally regained consciousness.

The octopus moved very fast, and Liang Fei was dragged dizzy in the hollow of the ceiling, unable to deduce where he was now from the octopus's course of action. But relying on the surrounding environment, he still had a rough inference about the current situation.

This place is still within the area of ​​the logistics department, because in the corner of the room where Liang Fei is, some cleaning tools such as mops and buckets are piled up. The sink for cleaning the rags had been destroyed, and the water pipes kept leaking water, and the water on the ground covered Liang Fei's feet.

The octopus threw him here, probably using him as a food reserve. In another corner of the room, Liang Fei also saw more than three reserve seniors.

The reason for saying "more than three" is that the group of seniors has turned into broken limbs and limbs. In the broken limbs, Liang Fei saw more than three right hands.

He quickly stood up and wanted to stay away from the pile of "reserve food", but his clothes had already absorbed blood when he fell to the ground, covering his whole body in a strong smell of blood.

The corner of his mouth was bitter, wondering if Nie Ming had noticed that he had been taken away. But what he was more worried about was, even if Nie Ming knew that he was captured by monsters, would he abandon the entire research institute to save him?

Liang Fei shook his head, shook off the water droplets on it, and checked neatly - there was still a weapon left on his body.

The pistol with two bullets left, two weapons given by Nie Ming, dozens of special bullets inside, and a dagger.

He focused on checking the pistol and two special firearms. Fortunately, the water on the ground was less than ankle-deep, and none of the three hot weapons were damp. Putting the weapons in the most convenient positions, he slowly approached the only exit in the room, dripping with muddy blood.

The octopus monster left after throwing him here. It may have left here to catch other food reserves, or it may be just outside the door. He couldn't determine the exact location of the octopus monster, so he could only be extremely vigilant and try to relax his movements as much as possible.


An extremely subtle sound came from outside the door. Liang Fei didn't notice the slight vibration in the air at first, but he saw several ripples in the opposite direction to him appeared on the surface of the ponded water on the ground.

He quickly stopped in his tracks and froze in place. The ripples spread to him round and round, fluctuating up and down on the ankle like tickling. He didn't take the next step until the arc of the ripples completely dissipated.

The situation is the worst kind. Liang Fei leaned on the door frame, and could see a huge figure entrenched in another room connected to his room.

The monster was covered in black, and it was as tall as Liang Fei lying on the ground. It was like an enlarged version of an octopus, except that it had more than ten tentacles than a normal octopus. After absorbing enough water, its tentacles become flexible and strong. At this moment, it was coiling its tentacles together and quietly huddling in a corner, as if it had fallen asleep.

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