37: Chaos

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Liang Fei hurried out of the audio-visual entertainment room, the sharp contrast between the inside and outside of the room made him frown.

The audio-visual entertainment room was fully decorated with soundproof materials, and the quiet environment inside made him almost forget the chaotic scene on the ship.

Liang Fei quickly found the infirmary. Fortunately, the location is relatively remote, and no one came to do damage.

He pushed open the door, and suddenly remembered that he didn't know about Jiayue's injury, so he could only store several common medicines in a medicine box, and planned to use the medicine according to the plot when he went back.

He carried the medicine box on his back and took a look at the chaos around him on the way back.

The passenger capacity of this luxury cruise ship is more than 3,000 people. There are only a few hundred passengers on the second and third floors of the cruise ship, and the main passenger capacity is concentrated on the first floor.

The flames and violence were no longer limited to the third floor of the cruise ship. Crazy guests crossed the empty second floor and directly poured into the area where ordinary guests were.

These luxuriously dressed third-floor VIPs rushed into the general guest activity area. They wore well-tailored suits or exquisite and luxurious skirts, but their faces were full of madness that was completely opposite to elegance and reserve.

"I'm talking to you! Do you hear me!" The man in the black suit had a fierce look on his face, and viciously grabbed the collar of an ordinary tourist and shook it vigorously.

The ordinary tourist who was caught didn't respond, as if he didn't notice the existence of the man in the suit at all, and was still discussing the next itinerary with his wife with a smile on his face.

The man in the suit was furious, threw away the ordinary tourist, and punched him on the chin!

This punch used all his strength, and even directly broke the front teeth of ordinary tourists, causing the ordinary tourists to fall to the ground with their mouths full of blood!

"Can you listen to me now!" the man in the suit sneered, shaking his blood-stained right hand.

The tourist lying on the ground stood up expressionlessly, completely ignoring his bleeding wound and broken front teeth, and returned to his wife, continuing to discuss the topic just now. Speaking of the excitement, the tourists opened their mouths and laughed, revealing half of their front teeth and broken gums.

Looking at the "bloody mouth" in front of him, the man in the suit suddenly felt nauseous. He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the eyes of ordinary tourists, but failed to attract the other party's attention.

"How...how is it possible..." The man in the suit looked pale and took a few steps back unsteadily.

Why can't these people see him, no matter what he does, these people can't detect his existence?

Not only the conflict here with the man in the suit, but other VIP guests from the third floor also encountered the same situation.

After the second round of siren gambling, their long-chaotic brains suddenly became clear, and they immediately noticed their dangerous situation.

They wanted to make the Siren's matter public, but found that no matter what method they used, they couldn't attract the attention of others.

They smashed the facilities in the cruise ship and even set fire to several rooms, but what they got in exchange was the ignorance of others and the suppression of the staff on board.

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