113: Preheating

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The person holding the key inserted the key into the keyhole on the shackles. The key was a circle larger than the keyhole and could not be inserted at all.

The lockholes on the feet of the eight trapped people were of the same size, indicating that the key was not actually used to unlock the lock.

"It seems that we can only think of other ways." The person who found the key said regretfully.

Liang Fei noticed that there seemed to be something extra in his pocket, he reached out his hand to feel in the pocket, and even took out a key.

Seeing this, the others imitated Liang Fei's actions and searched their pockets. Everyone found a key with a similar style from their pockets. It's a pity that these keys don't match the keyholes on the ankles, and there is no way to get them out of the bondage.

The people trapped in the room were all excellent reincarnators screened out by the system. When encountering this situation, no one showed a panicked expression. Some of them observed the surrounding environment, some sat on the ground to conserve energy, and some whispered to each other, seeming to know each other beforehand.

Liang Fei silently adjusted the chains on his ankles. After the chains were straightened, they were about three meters long, which meant that his range of motion was only within a semicircle with a radius of three meters.

"Is there any problem?" Sensing Liang Fei's gaze, a boy with hair shaved close to his scalp asked curiously.

The short-haired boy was slightly taller than Liang Fei, with a body like a thin bamboo pole, and looked harmless to humans and animals. This young man was the first person to find the key, Liang Fei's gaze slowly moved down, and finally stopped at his ankle.

Liang Fei didn't need the short-haired boy to straighten the chains, Liang Fei could see that the short-haired boy's chains were much longer than his own.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

The length of the chain directly determines the range of activities of the trapped person. The chains on the ankles of the eight people present are of different lengths. The luckiest person's chain is more than ten meters long, and the unluckiest person can barely sit against the base of the wall. Liang Fei's chain was neither too long nor too short, barely allowing him to move freely in a narrow area.

The short-haired boy followed Liang Fei's gaze and noticed that each person's range of motion was different. As the luckiest person in the room, he scratched his scalp with a silly smile, and took the initiative to shoulder the task of exploring the terrain.

However, there is nothing to see in this room, it is just a narrow "cage" that is pure white and contains nothing but the trapped person and a few stools.

"Why are you hanging around there? The game of life and death has obviously not started yet. When the game officially starts, the shackles will naturally be untied. Why panic?" Some people don't like the short-haired boy wandering around the room, and they don't want to hear the chains go out. With the sound of metal clashing, he wanted to stop the short-haired boy from looking around.

The short-haired boy was about to refute, but Liang Fei suddenly reminded: "Be careful!"

Seeing that the short-haired boy didn't respond, Liang Fei grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back.


The thick glass shattered suddenly, and large pieces of glass fell to the ground. A humanoid monster holding a stool stood behind the frosted glass and let out a roar to everyone.

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