42: The Truth About Murder

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Qian Dong thought about it, but he couldn't figure out why he had fallen into such a situation.

He was lying on the carpet full of shards of glass, his thin clothes were soaked in sweat several times, and he had already become cold and damp.

The ground exudes a faint smell of blood, as well as the sweet and greasy smell of red wine and various soft drinks.

The service staff had once done a rough cleaning of the carpet and had no idea how much cleaner was poured in the area. This pungent taste and fishy sweetness mixed with each other into an indescribable smell.

The surviving guests in the entertainment hall were released by Xu Yueqi and Zhang Yunan a few hours ago, leaving him still locked here.

There are still three or two service personnel left in the hall to act as guards, but even if no one is released to guard him here, where can he escape in this vast sea.

According to the original plan, he should lie on the comfortable and warm sofa now, watching the last few surviving guests on the third floor of the cruise ship kill each other.

When the last guest on the third floor dies, he will complete his revenge, and he can fulfill the contract with the siren with peace of mind.

But why is he lying on the cold and hard ground now? What about the sea monster that signed the contract with him?

On the one hand, he was extremely angry, and on the other hand, he was terrified of what he might face next.

He was forced to make an unfair gamble with Liang Fei, and he was about to face the dilemma of swimming with sharks. From a chess player who controls the chessboard to a pawn being manipulated wantonly, the gap between the times makes him resentful and desperate.

"Qian Dong?" Someone called softly in the darkness.

Qian Dong suddenly raised his head, and found that the surrounding area was already full of people.

Isn't he locked up in the entertainment hall of the cruise ship? How come back to this place?

This... where hatred was born.

He stood up with a puzzled face, surrounded by people coming and going, these people were dressed luxuriously, and even an inconspicuous cuff button was far more than the salary he could save by working for a year.

This is a casino, a casino where he used to work.

"What are you still doing here in a daze, hurry up and deal the cards over there." A familiar face appeared in front of his eyes, and Qian Dong's whole body trembled reflexively when he heard the voice. Direction to manager.

At the same time, another familiar figure passed by him.

"Go right away," said the man who appeared from behind him.

Qian Dong took a closer look and found that this person was Qi Bin!

But didn't Qi Bin die a long time ago!

Qian Dong suddenly felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong with such a scene. He recalled what happened before today, but it was like a piece of cotton was stuck in his head, and he couldn't recall it.

The memory of the cruise was fading like a tide, and the harder he tried to recall it, the faster it faded away.

So he simply followed behind Qi Bin, wherever Qi Bin went, he followed. Just like his previous work experience, he returned to being a small dealer in a casino.

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