75: Notebook

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Back in time to before nightfall.

Liang Fei and the others went back to their rooms after eating. The three new guests were also assigned to rooms on the third floor, living in the direction away from the stairs.

Liang Fei took a nap in the afternoon, and he didn't plan to go to bed for the time being, and he didn't want to "party" with the other three teammates, so he sat by the bed and enjoyed the snow scene a little bored.

The snowflakes outside the window became more and more dense, and the biting cold wind was isolated outside the glass window. If the snow continues, they will be trapped in the villa after tonight.

"Mr. Liang?" The butler gently knocked on Liang Fei's door.

Liang Fei opened the door suspiciously, the housekeeper and Xie Kun had already looked for him once before dinner, why did they knock on his door again when it was almost bedtime?

"I hope I didn't disturb you." The housekeeper apologized, "Mr. Xie said you have frostbite, so he arranged a family doctor for you."

The butler took a step back to let the door open, and slightly raised his hand to signal Liang Fei to follow him out: "The family doctor is waiting for you in the medical room."

Liang Fei was a little helpless, he just had a few mild frostbite on his fingers, Xie Kun was so serious that he even arranged for a doctor for him!

A few minutes later, Liang Fei was standing at the door of a room on the first floor holding a topical ointment, feeling very strange.

The housekeeper apologized and said, "The third floor is for ordinary guests. Mr. Liang, you are Mr. Xie's savior. Because of my mistakes, I mistakenly arranged you in an ordinary room on the third floor. I am really sorry."

After finishing speaking, the two maids carried Liang Fei's pitifully small personal belongings and neatly put them into the room on the first floor.

After the butler handed over the key to the room on the first floor to Liang Fei, he led the maids out of the room. Before leaving, I did not forget to remind: "Mr. Xie lives next door to you. If you need anything, you can ask for it at any time. I wish you a good dream tonight."

Liang Fei stood at the door in a daze, watching the backs of the butler and the others leaving, and was extremely dazed by the scene of changing rooms temporarily.

No wonder the family doctor only prescribed a frostbite plaster for him, but forced him to stay in the medical room for a full ten minutes. It turned out that these were planned out of a double spring, so that he could take the opportunity to change rooms for him!

Liang Fei glanced at the next room, Xie Kun's room was behind the door, and the owner who single-handedly caused the double reed was only separated from him by a wall. He remembered the polite words of the butler before he left, even if he really needed something, it was impossible to wake up the owner of the villa in the middle of the night.

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He shook his head helplessly, just as he walked into the new guest room, he was so shocked by what he saw that he couldn't speak.

Is this really just a guest room? The owner of the villa's room is probably no better than this one!

The guest room on the first floor was several times larger than his guest room on the third floor, and the bathroom alone was larger than his original room. The interior decoration is exquisite and warm. There are fresh fruits and various drinks in the refrigerator. The big bed that can be rolled by several people looks soft-soft and full of elasticity.

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