08: Sugar

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Liang Fei's first reaction was that Nie Ming injected him with something bad. But looking at Nie Ming's slightly surprised eyes, the facts seem to be a little different from what he imagined.

"You haven't eaten dinner?" Nie Ming tried to help Liang Fei up.

Liang Fei was short of breath, his face was pale, and he looked like he was going to faint at any moment. He tried to straighten up and tried to sit upright, but just as he was about to answer, he fell forward and bumped into Nie Ming with a sudden bang.

Soft lips pressed against Nie Ming's neck, Nie Ming's expression changed slightly, and he raised his hand to touch his forehead covered in cold sweat, feeling cold to the touch.

"You wait here for a while, I'll get you something to eat." Nie Ming placed him on the sofa and strode out of the office.

Liang Fei slumped on the sofa for a while, and finally figured out why he fainted--

Because he hardly had any dinner and he was nervous, he fainted from the needle!

Fortunately, the effects of the fainting needle dissipated quickly, and Liang Fei had the strength to stand up again after a short rest.

Now is an excellent time to get your Institute Patrol Form. Nie Ming's office is not in the researcher's office area, but in the core area of ​​the research institute, which shows that Nie Ming's identity is definitely not just a research team leader.

His computer permissions must be enough for Liang Fei to obtain any desired information.

Liang Fei forced himself to stand up, and took out the USB flash drive that Shi Jiajun gave him.


Nie Ming's office was a certain distance from the living area, and it was midnight at this time, and there was no one in the corridor who could help with errands.

Fortunately, since the research institute covers a very large area, there are vending machines at intervals, which can be used by swiping an ID card. Nie Ming found the nearest vending machine and took a few kinds of food at random.

"Group Leader Nie," a researcher suddenly walked over from the corner of the corridor, "Why are you here? Major Ding is so angry that he is about to smash things."

"Tell him to wait, remember to ask him to compensate for the broken things." Nie Ming took the food and walked to the office, which happened to be in the opposite direction from where Ding Yan was.

Seeing that his immediate boss seemed unhurried, the researcher didn't dare to persuade him too much. Anyway, Ding Yan can rely on his rank of major to show off in the research institute, but it's just that team leader Nie is too lazy to argue with him.

Ding Yan was sent by the military to monitor the research institute. During the day, he made high-profile calls for faults in the research institute, just to give Nie Ming a warning. It's a pity that Nie Ming didn't come in. Even though Liang Fei's amputation operation was canceled during the day, he didn't go to Ding Yan immediately. Instead, he postponed the meeting until midnight, deliberately making Ding Yan unable to sleep well.

Half an hour ago, it was the meeting time that Nie Ming and Ding Yan had agreed upon. However, on the way to the conference room, Nie Ming ran into Liang Fei who sneaked out, and Ding Yan was left behind by Nie Ming, waiting in the office alone for more than half an hour.

"Group Leader Nie, Major Ding came here this time. In addition to routinely checking the research progress of the institute, he also specifically mentioned the H virus vaccine." The researcher followed Nie Ming step by step, and he glanced at the candy in Nie Ming's hand There was a strange expression on his face, obviously he felt a little unbelievable that Team Leader Nie left Major Ding to eat snacks alone in the middle of the night.

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