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After Meng Kai left, Liang Fei had just packed up the dry firewood on the ground, when another person came looking for him.

Guo Xueyi held a few wooden sticks and hesitantly came out from behind the bushes.

Liang Fei asked puzzledly, "Isn't the task you were assigned to stay at the station, why did you run out by yourself?"

Guo Xueyi's force value is not high, and his physical strength is not good. In the jungle, he is usually responsible for collecting dry firewood, but in the swampy plain in the central area, his physical fitness is obviously not suitable for leaving the team to act alone.

Guo Xueyi hesitated and said, "I don't really want to be alone with Qiao Wenjian's team, so I followed you out privately, I hope you don't mind."

Liang Fei's location was already quite a distance from the station, thanks to Guo Xueyi who was able to follow all the way, and was not dragged away by the wild beasts in the bushes.

"Why don't you want to be alone with them, Qiao Wenjian and the others won't cook you up." Liang Fei joked.

Liang Fei was making a joke unintentionally, but Guo Xueyi said seriously: "I'm really afraid they will kill me."

"Although Qiao Wenjian and his team are different from ours, we currently have a common goal and no conflict of interest. Why did he kill you for no reason?" Liang Fei wondered.

Seeing that Liang Fei hadn't paid attention to this, Guo Xueyi seemed a little impatient, he struggled for a moment, and finally made up his mind: "Liang Fei, I know you are a good person..."

Liang Fei silently accepted the good person card, and patiently listened to Guo Xueyi's continuation.

Guo Xueyi looked troubled and said: "You seem to be an old acquaintance of Captain Duan Zhang. I shouldn't have spoken ill of Captain Duan Zhang's subordinates in front of you, but the identities of Yu Tao and Ye Menglei are really too suspicious."

"You and Captain Duan Zhang rescued us. Yu Tao told Captain Duan Zhang about our entry into the center of the island, but concealed how we entered the center of the island."

Liang Fei also had some doubts about this. After coming out of the dark forest, he saw with his own eyes that hundreds of people were trapped outside the center of the island. They couldn't enter the center of the island and were unwilling to leave.

He and Duan Zhang were dragged into the central area by the man-eating tree, so how did Yu Tao and others enter the central area?

When Guo Xueyi said this, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his forehead.

"After you and Captain Duan Zhang disappeared, Yu Tao and Ye Menglei did not have any conflicts at all as they said, so they took us directly to the central area." Guo Xueyi said, "The central area is surrounded by swamps, and there are only a few places that can An entrance and exit for people to pass through."

"These entrances and exits are haunted by wild beasts, and those who try to force their way through are eaten."

Liang Fei wondered: "We can find the prisoners outside the central area, most of them are carrying lethal weapons, how many beasts can't be dealt with by so many people?"

Guo Xueyi explained: "There are only a very small number of people with guns. Most people have daggers or crossbows. It's good. Besides, these people belong to different teams, and they don't want to be the first bird, and they can't unite at all."

"When Yu Tao led us to find the entrance, I thought there would be a fierce battle..." Guo Xueyi recalled in horror, "I didn't expect them to throw Fang Yunfeng out directly!"

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