45: Virus restricted area

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Liang Fei was in the midst of the shock of the boss being turned into war scum by him, when suddenly his collar tightened, and the whole person was directly lifted up by the hunting crow!

Shou Ya covered Liang Fei's mouth with one hand and his waist with the other, and pulled him back, behind a pillar. Liang Fei guessed that the hunting crow must have found something, and immediately stopped struggling and stood quietly.

The two hid in the shadows behind the concrete pillars, and after holding their breath for dozens of seconds, the sound of several people's chaotic footsteps came from the street outside the house.


Someone kicked on the metal frame of the glass door, and the glass of the glass door shattered and fell off, leaving only a few fragments of different sizes hanging on the frame. The metal frame was kicked by the man, and the remaining fragments fell to the ground and shattered.

A group of four men appeared at the entrance of the hall. The man who walked in the front and kicked the door was wearing a camouflage uniform. He was thick and bearded, and looked very fierce. The three companions who followed behind the camouflage uniforms were of different shapes, and none of them were thin and thin.

"Here it is!" The man in camouflage uniform shouted loudly, stepping on the shards of glass, he strode into the hall where Liang Fei was.

"Are you sure? There's no one here." The companion in the camouflage uniform followed, looking suspiciously at the entire hall.

The building that Liang Fei found looked very technological from the outside, but the hall seemed to have been ransacked by a typhoon, with broken wreckage everywhere, and not even a complete table was found.

The hall is extremely empty, standing at the door can almost see the entire hall at a glance, there is no place to hide people. Besides, the piles of construction waste on the ground are not worth staying in this room.

The two people walking at the back also showed questioning eyes, and they all suspected that they had misunderstood the camouflage uniform.

"It's impossible to be wrong, I saw that person walk into this building with my own eyes, and he never left." The camouflage uniform said firmly, "The game has already started for almost 24 hours, and no one will place orders at this time. "

"Unless that person just woke up?" The man in the green vest suddenly sneered, "According to the rules of the game, the stronger the person, the later he wakes up. That person hasn't formed a team after such a long time since the game started, which means He has just woken up and is not yet familiar with the rules of the game."

"The preparation period for the game is almost over, and he just woke up now. That person's strength is probably one of the strongest in the restricted area!" Another man wearing a flowered turban said excitedly, "Let's hurry up before he wakes up." Form a team and kill him during the game preparation period!"

"That's right, once a person of this strength forms a team, we won't have the surviving quota. We must find him now!" the camouflage uniform sneered.

One of the four guarded the exit, and the other three searched the hall.

Liang Fei and Shou Ya hid in a very ingenious position. They stood behind a raised concrete pillar, and the light outside the house came in from the opposite direction of the two, making them just hidden in a shadow.

The hall was very empty. If passers-by didn't search carefully, they wouldn't notice that there were two people hiding behind the pillars.

However, the four strong men who broke in suddenly discovered Liang Fei's traces long ago, and carried out a carpet search in the hall. It was only a matter of time before Liang Fei and Shou Ya were found.

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