133: Soldiers

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Everything happened too suddenly. In a panic, Wu Xingyu and Tao Han let out short screams one after another, and then stopped abruptly after a muffled sound.

A few seconds later, the sound of the explosion gradually disappeared, and the smoke, dust and sand filled the air. The sound of exclamation and falling gravel became far away, leaving only the ear-piercing tinnitus that continued. Liang Fei patted the sand off his hair and shoulders, and couldn't help coughing a few times.

Using Geng Jing's ability to create chaos is part of the plan, but he didn't expect that Geng Jing could directly blast through this floor!

However, this works better.

Liang Fei looked around at the scattered rocks and scattered bookshelves. After falling from the upper floor, he landed on a pile of books. There are only minor scratches on the body, and some deep scratches on the ankles, but fortunately, these wounds will not affect the movement.

"Is anyone there?" Liang Fei tentatively called out into the deep darkness.

No response.

Within seconds of the explosion, Wu Xingyu appeared to fall near him. Liang Fei looked in that direction, but his sight was blocked by several stacked huge bookshelves and rubble.

Tao Han's screams were a little further away. Originally, he was squatting alone at the farthest position from the team.

There is no way to move the gravel away for the time being, so we can only approach Tao Han first. The fourth floor was extremely dark, and could only be barely illuminated by the dim light in the ceiling hole.

Liang Fei crawled down the pile of books, only then did he realize how lucky he was. The height of the fourth floor is far higher than the previous floors. If there is no pile of books as a buffer, he may lose the ability to move directly.

After the tinnitus gradually disappeared, the fourth floor was eerily quiet. Once away from the light source at the hole in the ceiling, the obstacles on the ground cannot be seen clearly. In order to avoid falling, he could only slow down and move forward in the dark like a blind man.

"Don't move!" Someone suddenly shouted in the darkness.

Liang Fei paused and slowed down his breathing.

After a while, he hesitated and said, "Yu Zhu?"

The person not far away heard Liang Fei's voice clearly and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. He responded: "It's me, what about the others?"

"We're separated, I'm alone." Liang Fei said.

"Me too." Yu Zhu came out of the darkness, and Liang Fei didn't notice until the distance between the two was less than one meter.

"Tsk, I was unlucky when I fell, and I was hit by a big rock." Yu Zhu looked at the blood on his sleeve in frustration, "What happened to you and Geng Jing, why did it explode just now?"

When Geng Jing was mentioned, Liang Fei made an annoyed and angry expression, and said the lines he had prepared from the beginning: "Geng Jing was the first person to come into contact with the hidden information. I originally wanted her to help find a book, but I didn't." Think of her as the mole who got in with us."

"you think she's a soldier? "Yu Zhu's voice was slightly cold.

"If it wasn't soldiers, why did she want to wipe us all out?" Liang Fei said, "I didn't expect her ability to be so destructive, and I suffered a bit of a dark loss."

Liang Fei pointed to the wound on his ankle, pretending that his mobility was impaired.

Seeing Liang Fei limping, Yu Zhu frowned impatiently: "Then don't stay too far away from me. I don't want to be forced to fight the Black Queen before I clear the level because a black soldier died."

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