27: Gambling Ghost Ship

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In addition to surviving five days on the ghost ship, Liang Fei's main task also needs to collapse the loyalty value of the villain boss to below 50 points.

If Liang Fei agrees to the big man's request and gives him the currently pitiful villain, not only can the immediate crisis be resolved, but the villain's loyalty value will definitely drop significantly.

After all, what "slave" would be loyal to a master who gave him away at will?

"Get out." Liang Fei said coldly. He pulled the young man who was protecting him behind him, and the young man moved his arms, wanting to stand in front to protect him again, but he didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting Liang Fei.

The big man was shocked, he didn't expect that the little white face in front of him, who looked helpless, would dare to speak to him like this.

"If you dare to tell me to get out, I dare to make you disappear on this boat." The big man touched the stubble on his face viciously, and threatened, "This is the open sea, even if there are a few unimportant people missing , it will only become an accident in the end."

This person was saying that there is a price to be paid for killing someone a second ago, and then he started threatening Liang Fei with his life in the blink of an eye. All he relied on was his height of almost two meters and his thick arms and thighs.

Liang Fei took a step back and touched the pockets of his clothes, but sadly found that he was wearing pajamas now, and there was no way there was anything in the pockets that could be used as a weapon. He took a quick look at the items within three steps around him, and finally locked on the vase on the bedside table.

Seeing that Liang Fei took a step back and looking around without looking at him, the big man thought that Liang Fei knew he was afraid, but he never thought that this weak looking weak chicken was thinking about how to kill him.

The big man laughed conceitedly, and stretched out his hand to grab Liang Fei's neckline. Liang Fei deftly avoided it sideways, and at the same time grabbed the vase one meter away from a concealed angle.

The big man failed to catch the person, and was furious. He roared and was about to punch him. Liang Fei clenched the vase tightly, exerting strength with his forearm, and only waited for the moment when the big man showed his weakness to attack!

"Stop!" The grinning voice sounded like a rusty saw sawing dry wood, the voice was not very loud, but miraculously made Liang Fei and the big man stop at the same time.

The big man's fist was frozen in mid-air, he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and looked angrily at the man who appeared suddenly.

It was the security personnel in the VIP cabin who stopped the big man from committing violence. He was wearing a neat uniform with the word security written on the back, and an electric baton was stuck in his waist.

The big man withdrew his fist, his face full of disbelief. On the other hand, Liang Fei frowned and looked at the security personnel who suddenly appeared, feeling a little weird in his heart.

At the moment when he and the big man were about to fight just now, their muscles were tense and they were full of strength. It stands to reason that it is impossible for them to stop at the same time with just a "stop".

He remembered that at that moment, his mind suddenly went blank for a second, and when he came back to his senses, he had already involuntarily stopped attacking, and even his anger was suppressed.

The big man didn't notice this weirdness, he snorted coldly and pointed at Liang Fei and said, "This weak chicken killed my slave, and I asked him to use his slave to pay me back, what's wrong!"

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