85: Luosheng City

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"The city lord of Senluo City is just a puppet on the surface, and the leader hidden behind the various organizations is the one who really controls the entire Senluo City." Xie Kun explained.

The ringing of the bell just now was the real city lord of Senluo City giving orders.

"People in Senluo City like to call the puppet city lord 'the city lord', and the leader who controls all organizations the 'old city lord'." Xie Kun said, "Most people don't know that the city lord is just a puppet, and they mistakenly think that the city lord is just a puppet. 'It's the son of the 'old city lord', so he has the urge to become the city lord."

Liang Fei said: "An outsider can also become the leader who controls all organizations?"

"The old city lord just announced that he is about to abdicate. According to the rules of Senluo City, as long as the old city lord approves, anyone can become the leader." Xie Kun said.

If it is as Xie Kun said, the main task of this round is very clear. Liang Fei only needs to obtain the approval of the old city lord, control all the underground organizations, and then use the sapphire as a token to become the bright city lord of Senluo City, and his mission will be considered complete.

"Did the old city lord explain how to get his approval?" Liang Fei said.

Xie Kun shook his head: "The bell only mentioned that the old city lord wanted to abdicate, but did not explain the selection method for the next 'leader'."

Liang Fei knew that it was useless to be impatient now, maybe the old city lord would announce the screening rules in other ways, so he calmed down quickly and turned his attention back to Emily and the others at the corner.

At the corner of the street, Emily and her subordinates also heard the old city lord's abdication declaration, and they all showed ecstasy.

There are branches of underground organizations from many countries gathered in Senluo City. If you can become the leader of the entire Senluo City, it is tantamount to controlling the source of wealth and power.

Those who can survive in Senluo City are all desperadoes whose ambitions and desires are more inflated than ordinary people. Faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, these people simply cannot restrain their desire-desire to remain rational.

The thin man who had just been rescued saw that Emily and the others had wrong expressions, and asked a little uneasy: "Emily, what happened?"

Emily suddenly came back to her senses, and habitually planned to appease the skinny man who had already been hooked. Before she could say any words of comfort, she suddenly remembered that the most urgent task was not to deceive outsiders with limited value.

She stood up with cold eyes, and said to the men behind her, "Kill."

Before the thin man could react, his subordinates raised their knives and killed him to the ground.

"The old city lord intends to abdicate, and any organization may rise to the top in one step." Emily raised her voice, boosting morale, "After being suppressed by the Red Sleeve Gang for three full years, it's finally time for us to turn around. We must not miss this time Golden opportunity!"

Several subordinates responded enthusiastically, raising the weapons in their hands, with greed and excitement in their eyes.

Emily and her subordinates were immersed in passionate emotions, and suddenly another person rushed out from the corner of the street and yelled at Emily: "Emily, there is something new!"

"The Red Sleeve Gang sent an order, requesting the full cooperation of the small organizations that have business dealings with them to hunt down a young man with a gunshot wound to his shoulder!" The visitor hurriedly said.

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