58: Forgive me

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Time went back to twenty minutes ago.

Yan Huan originally entered the underground research institute with Ye Ya. For some reason, Yan Huan and Ye Ya had a disagreement and acted separately temporarily.

Therefore, when Liang Fei and Shou Ya met Ye Ya in the R&D center, they only saw Ye Ya alone and did not find Yan Huan.

As for the "certain reasons" that caused Yan Huan and Ye Ya to part ways, Liang Fei thought with his toes, and he could guess that it was because of Xia Jue.

Yan Huan knew the location of the third virus, but ignored the chance of escaping from the restricted area, instead he wanted to find Xia Jue first, and then work together to crack the time bomb code.

Consistent with Liang Fei and Xia Jue's previous speculation, the storage location of the third special virus is indeed on the second floor of the basement. Yan Huan originally wanted to take the two of them to the elevator shaft, but this time Liang Fei didn't need to remind him, Xia Jue said, "We have found the medicine for making explosives, we can directly blow them down, saving time."

Yan Huan paused when he heard "explosives", and when he turned around, he put on a friendly smile, and said with a smile: "The floors of underground buildings are stronger than ordinary buildings. I have no experience in this field, are you sure?"

Liang Fei thought that Yan Huan, a smiling face, was going to talk again, but before he could stop him, Xia Jue foolishly confessed: "We have tried it before, and we are sure to blow the building through."

"It turns out that the previous noise was because you were blowing up the building." Yan Huan continued to laugh.

"I can't help it. Liang Fei and I were trapped in the predator's lair. If we hadn't blown up the lair, I'm afraid he and I would have been eaten long ago." Yan Huan's eyes gradually turned cold.

Liang Fei tried his best to give Xia Jue a hint at the side, but unfortunately the stubborn Xia Jue didn't understand at all, and sold himself out with just a few words.

"You never thought about what to do if you fail?" Yan Huan's voice was already tinged with danger.

"It's okay..." Xia Jue scratched his head, "It's a desperate attempt. If I really die, I can only pray that the dog Song Xi gave me won't starve to death."

Liang Fei completely gave up the idea of ​​grabbing Xia Jue, so he could only ask for his own blessing.

Yan Huan still wanted to continue asking, Xia Jue didn't know if he had noticed that Yan Huan's smile had changed a bit, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He changed the subject bluntly and said, "Why did you suddenly appear here, and why did you happen to be with the hunting crow?"

Fortunately, Xia Jue was not so dull as to be stupid. He used "Shunting Crow" instead of "Boss", narrowly avoiding a bloodbath.

Yan Huan said with a smile: "I was looking for Ye Ya, but I happened to meet him."

"Isn't there no way to open the door of the R&D center?" Liang Fei asked doubtfully.

The appearance of Yan Huan and Shou Ya at the same time does not mean that Yan Huan opened the door of the R&D center. Liang Fei deliberately asked ambiguously, just wanting to collect more information.

Fortunately, Yan Huan's mind was still on the floor that Xia Jue blasted through, so he didn't have time to pay attention to these details.

He directly solved the riddle: "My authority can open any door in the research institute."

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