79: Diary

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"Ahhh! You bastard!" Hu Shaobin was caught off guard by Jiang Hua and pushed out of the defense range, and fell to the shadow not far away in embarrassment.

His legs were weak and he fell to the ground, trembling in front of the shadow, and retreating in the direction of Jiang Hua in a sitting posture.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua cursed: "If you dare to come here, I'll kick you out!"

Seeing Jiang Hua suddenly turn his face, Hu Shaobin was furious. He couldn't care about the shadow not far away for a while, and turned around and cursed: "If I didn't agree to take you with me, you would have died in the snow! You You ungrateful white-eyed wolf, will you lose a piece of meat if you use your props?"

Jiang Hua seemed to have heard some funny joke, and he sneered: "You are still an experienced veteran, don't you know that you can get extra rewards for killing teammates?"

Hu Shaobin's face changed, it was indeed the first time he had heard this statement. Seeing his face full of shock, Jiang Hua said coldly: "I killed my teammate in the last mission. If it weren't for my inconvenient hands now, you think you can still live until now."

Regardless of whether Jiang Hua's words are true or not, Hu Shaobin dare not run to Jiang Hua's side again. He always thought that the so-called reincarnation world was just a realistic holographic game, and he never imagined killing people in the game.

"Huh...huh..." Not far from the two of them, the black shadow moved his limbs, whistling in his mouth.

"Flowers...flowers..." Heiying's hoarse voice suddenly became clear, and he continued intermittently, "Her...flowers..."

It whispered dryly while slowly crawling, moving to the flower bed on the side of the sun room.

There are a few clumps of wilting flowers and plants planted in the flower bed. Because it is winter, the plants in the flower bed are all withered and yellow, showing a dilapidated look. During the fight between several people, Hu Shaobin was once bounced by Jiang Hua's system props, crushing the already damaged flowers and plants even more unsightly.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

The dry blades of grass fell to pieces and fell crookedly on the ground, sticking together with the pitch-black soil. A depression appeared in the place where Hu Shaobin pressed, and some flowers and plants were even uprooted and fell out of the flower bed in tatters.

The black shadow squatted by the flower bed, picked up the grass blades with his dry palms, brushed off the soil with care, and carefully put them into the flower bed.

Behind the shadow, after Liang Fei hid in the stairwell, he didn't actually run away immediately. He concealed the door, leaving a gap just enough to see the direction of the shadow, and quietly observed the movement of the shadow.

"The flower...is broken..." Soi Ying murmured. Blades of grass leaked from thin fingers and fell into the black mud.

It let go of the withered grass in its hand, and looked at Hu Shaobin with resentment in its eyes. As the chief culprit of crushing the potted plants, Hu Shaobin still had a few broken leaves hanging on his body, but these inconspicuous broken leaves became the most effective hatred locking props, attracting all the hatred points of Sombra.

Seeing that the black shadow completely ignored the immobile Jiang Hua, and his eyes were fixed on Hu Shaobin, Liang Fei suddenly felt a little weird.

He originally thought that Sombra killed people indiscriminately and was full of malice towards all human beings. Unexpectedly, Sombra can not only speak, but also seems to have a certain degree of self-awareness.

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