62: Prisoner

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Liang Fei looked away from the person on the ground, and asked with a stiff expression, "Are you okay..."

Duan Zhang didn't seem to understand what Liang Fei was saying, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter?"

He noticed that Liang Fei didn't continue to help him peel the nuts, thinking that Liang Fei didn't want to peel them anymore, so he took the rest of the nuts over.

"The captain of that team doesn't seem to like nuts very much, let Meng Lei and the others send some other things over later." Duan Zhang regretted.

He looked like a family man who was struggling with how to get along with his neighbors.

"Is it okay to do this?" Liang Fei hesitated.

Duan Zhang showed a somewhat annoyed expression when he heard the words, and he reflected: "It's true that I didn't think carefully. Before giving a gift, I should ask him what he likes."

After finishing speaking, he put on his usual smile again, and comforted Liang Fei: "Don't worry, if you make the other party feel unhappy, I will explain it properly."

Liang Fei was so startled by this bullshit and right answer that the nuts were about to drop. Does Duan Zhang's brain circuit really belong to the category of normal people?

The two of them broke up, it must be because Duan Zhang is crazy!

Duan Zhang stared at Liang Fei's hand suddenly, and said with puzzled eyes: "Fei Fei, I remember you didn't like nuts before?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

Alarm bells rang in Liang Fei's mind instantly, and Duan Zhang took the initiative to mention his change in preferences, so he had to respond cautiously. If Duan Zhang, who was in an abnormal state of mind, suspected him, he didn't even dare to think what would happen to him.

"In this kind of place, there's no way to pay so much attention." Liang Fei pointed to the surrounding wilderness with his eyes, took a nut and threw it into his mouth.

"Don't you like it here?" Duan Zhang asked.

"There is nothing on the desert island, no matter what you do, it is inconvenient. I still prefer a modern society." Liang Fei replied casually.

"But we met here." Duan Zhang suddenly withdrew his smile, with a hint of resentment in his tone.

Liang Fei just watched passively how Duan Zhang got sick, and when Duan Zhang's tone changed, his heart speeded up involuntarily.

He pretended to be calm and comforted him: "Meeting you is the greatest comfort for me being trapped on a desert island."

"Me too." Duan Zhang smiled slightly, "But I really like this place."

Surrounded by the sea, you can't escape even if you want to, you can only stay by my side.

Duan Zhang seemed to have thought of something pleasant, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Liang Fei, who was so preoccupied with how to avoid Duan Zhang's suspicion, didn't even notice that Duan Zhang's expression was wrong. Seeing that Duan Zhang was still smiling gently, he thought he had successfully fooled around.

The two were chatting and laughing here, but the other team was full of gloom.

The captain of the opposing team spat out mud mixed with blood, greeted the remaining five teammates, and took out all the weapons to surround them aggressively.

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