125: Jackpot

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The "fake Liang Fei" they met on the seventh floor was the product of the encounter between the monster and "another Liang Fei", so there was no spider silk on the wrist of the "fake Liang Fei". In addition, the "Liang Fei" who attacked Xie Kun could not be determined to be a "fake Liang Fei" copied from a monster, or an unidentified "another Liang Fei".

But it is irrefutable that the monster can only copy the image of the enemy after confronting the enemy head-on, so there must be "another Liang Fei" in the game.

Even though he knew that it was pointless to continue thinking about it, Liang Fei couldn't help repeatedly proving the possibility of this conjecture in his mind. It wasn't until someone patted his shoulder lightly that he woke up like a dream.

"Want to know the answer? Give me a bracelet and I'll tell you." He heard the man beside him whisper.

The sound in his ears had just ended, and the sharp sound of drawing a knife brought Liang Fei's consciousness back in an instant. He looked up and saw Xie Kun holding a long knife, staring at his side and rear with hostility. And behind him, stood a tall, long-haired woman.

The surrounding environment was replaced by an ordinary living room. There were a few single sofas randomly placed in the room, which was full at this time. The rest of the players scattered in the room, looking at the other players cautiously or curiously.

Only then did Liang Fei realize that while he was distracted, he and Xie Kun left the corridor leading from the seventh floor to the sixth floor, found the living room in the middle of the sixth floor, and met other people who had survived in the living room. player.

And the woman standing behind him is just an ordinary player meddling in her own business.

Compared to Xie Kun's hostility, Liang Fei's reaction was much milder. He put on a smile, took two steps back while turning around, and quietly distanced himself from the woman: "I'm afraid I can't change the answer I want with a bracelet."

"Really?" The woman twirled her long hair with her fingers, "I just want to tease you when I see your frowning face."

The woman's teasing made Xie Kun's face darker, and Liang Fei hurriedly took two steps between the two to avoid the possibility of an unnecessary dispute.

The purpose of the woman who suddenly appeared was unclear. Most importantly, he didn't realize the existence of this person until she leaned close to his ear and spoke. Even if he was distracted just now, Xie Kun will not lose his vigilance when he is in close proximity with other players.

For the sake of prudence, it is better not to have any disputes.

The woman didn't see the desired reaction on Liang Fei's face, and she wanted to move on without giving up. Liang Fei was head-on, but fortunately a discordant voice immediately drew everyone's attention away.

[Congratulations to all the survivors, you have the chance to meet me for the second time. 】

The shriveled and hoarse voice of the puppet came from behind the door, followed by the creaking footsteps getting closer to the living room.

The puppet maintains a similar image to that of a few hours ago, except that it has changed into a black and white suit and has an extra cane in its hand.

The cane reflects a few rays of light under the puppet's waving, which makes people have to pay more attention.

The cane is almost the same height as the puppet, only reaching the waist of an adult. There is no pattern on the handle of the cane, just a smooth metal rod, but the first part of the cane is designed to look like a chess "bishop", associating with the theme of the game itself, the shape of "bishop" seems to imply more information.

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