95: Another place

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Feng Tiantian's desperate prayer was moving. Uncle Li Rui took two steps forward, trying to open the window from the inside.

Charles mocked with dissatisfaction: "Didn't she just say that it was safest to follow that silver-haired one, why is she running back to find us now?"

Li Rui had long disliked Charles. Seeing that Charles was making sarcastic remarks at such a time, he said angrily: "My surname is Cha, I shouldn't have brought you here just now! You don't have a conscience!"

When Charles saw that Li Rui thought his surname was Cha, the contempt in his eyes was even worse. He snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "You're courting death yourself."

Seeing that the two sides were about to quarrel again, Liang Fei changed the subject and said, "This place is remote, without Li Rui bringing us here, we would not have found this warehouse in a short time. How did she find us?"

"But...she has serious injuries." Luo Xinyu said.

If Feng Tiantian was the "killer" of the people in black, she shouldn't have suffered such serious injuries.

"If you were injured so badly, would you still have the strength to chase us for help?" Liang Fei said.

Besides, the man in black also mentioned that the "betrayer" will also be attacked by the murderer.

Luo Xinyu woke up suddenly, and quickly stepped back a few steps away from the window.

At the same time, Feng Tiantian realized that he had been found out, and the anxiety and despair on his face suddenly turned into ferocious and bloodthirsty. She stopped knocking on the window, took a half step back, and took out an ax out of thin air with her right hand.


The fragile window was shattered by Feng Tiantian's axe, and the glass shards flew around, hitting Li Rui who was closest to the window.

Li Rui was drenched in scum all over his head and face, and he didn't realize what happened for a while.

Seeing that Feng Tiantian was crawling into the window with an ax in hand, Liang Fei turned his head to remind Li Rui, and rushed to the door on the same side as the window.

The window and the gate faced the same straight path, so Liang Fei could only run towards the gate after confirming that Feng Tiantian had climbed into the window. He just moved the chair behind the door, but the movement of opening the door suddenly stopped.

"What are you doing in a daze, open the door!" Charles said impatiently.

"The door is blocked." Liang Fei took a step back, then kicked the wooden door hard. The door panel creaked twice, but there was no sign of it opening.

Seeing that Liang Fei was not as tall as him, Charles thought Liang Fei was weaker than him in strength. Unconvinced, he pulled Liang Fei away and kicked the door himself. The result is obvious, the vibration of the wooden door is even smaller than before.

The only escape route was blocked, and the three could only focus on the broken window.

Feng Tiantian, who broke in through the window, had already locked his target on Li Rui. Li Rui was not afraid of the ax in Feng Tiantian's hand, and picked up a stool to confront Feng Tiantian aggressively.

"Don't try to fight the murderer hand-to-hand." This is the "warm reminder" from the men in black to them.

It's a pity that Li Rui has long forgotten this sentence, picked up the bench and rushed to the girl in front of him.

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