132: Falling

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As soon as Liang Fei finished speaking, everyone had different expressions.

Under the gaze of the five people, Liang Fei raised his right hand and pointed at the person standing in the corner of the team.

--Geng Jing.

"What... what does this mean? I've already confirmed it, there can be no problem with Jingjing!" Wu Xingyu turned pale, and took the lead in blocking Geng Jing.

"What do you want to say!" Yu Zhu suddenly strode forward, trying to grab Liang Fei's collar. Liang Fei took a step back and reminded in a cold voice: "Until we find the real soldiers, we'd better avoid physical contact."

"The self-certification my boyfriend and I just said was a code that only the two of us knew. You have no reason to doubt me." Geng Jing tugged at her sleeves, but was the calmest one.

"In the self-certification just now, one person showed a flaw." Liang Fei said, "But there are still a few details to be confirmed, and I need your help."

"Why me?" Geng Jing said.

"Not yet." Liang Fei replied.

"Okay, then tell me how I can help you first?" Geng Jing said.

Liang Fei paused, his eyes flicked around from Tao Han one by one, and he thought about it: "In order to prevent the soldiers hiding in front of us from being alarmed in advance, I can only tell you the specific plan."

"No!" Before Liang Fei could finish explaining, Wu Xingyu jumped out to object first, "I can't let you and Jingjing be alone, what if you are a soldier!"

"I just proved myself," Liang Fei spread his hands, "You can choose not to believe me, but this is the only way to break the situation."

Wu Xingyu hesitated for a few seconds and closed his mouth, but disapproval was still written in his eyes looking at Geng Jing.

Liang Fei had expected to encounter obstacles early on, so he was not in a hurry to advance the progress of breaking through the level. Instead, he found a quiet corner and sat down. When he was bored, he quietly glanced in Xie Kun's direction. Xie Kun's standing posture had a subtle change, and it seemed that his abdominal injury had improved a lot.

"Aren't you wondering what I want to do with Geng Jing alone?" Liang Fei lowered his voice.

"You were lying just now. It is impossible to find valuable information based on a few so-called self-certifications." Xie Kun said coldly.

"I was discovered by you." Liang Fei quietly bent the corner of his mouth.

He exaggeratedly sighed, and suddenly said slowly: "However, if I said that I locked the soldiers at the beginning of this round of the game, would you believe it?"

"When the game first started, you didn't know the concept of 'soldier'." Xie Kun obviously didn't like this.

But he paused for a moment, as if he had suddenly figured out a certain point, turned his head and said, "It's him you want to talk about?"

Liang Fei nodded and was about to respond when someone interrupted him suddenly.

Geng Jing stroked her hair a little uneasy, and said hesitantly, "Can I trust you?"

"You don't need to 'trust me', but I can promise that I'm not a soldier, and I don't want to hurt you." Liang Fei thought to himself that the time had finally come, and he patted his trouser legs and stood up from the ground.

Geng Jing looked back, not far away, Wu Xingyu was stretching his neck, obviously concerned about the situation here. Yu Zhu disagreed with Geng Jing's approach, but he did not forcibly stop it. Because Tao Han was the most suspicious, he still hid in the farthest distance and remained silent.

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