109: Hunting Group

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The icy lake was over his head, bringing with him despair and depression, bringing an end to the life he just started.

The memories of his lifetime have built him a prison with no way out. The teaching building is mixed with fantasy and reality, and finally becomes the scene presented in front of Liang Fei.

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The memories ended here, and the cause of the transfer student's death and the secrets of the school building were finally revealed. Liang Fei stood in the garden of the dilapidated and old teaching building, slowly looking at the roof of the fifth floor from bottom to top.

After the video was over, he was still alone in the teaching building, and Xie Kun and Luo Xinyu were temporarily separated from him. After the stagnant water in the garden disappeared, the entire teaching building finally returned to normal.

The windows on the outside are no longer nailed by iron plates, and the stairwell and the passage leading to the outside world also appear at the corner of the corridor. Green moss and withered yellow vines climbed up the drainpipe, and the taupe sewage dripped down, leaving traces on the gray wall.

In the classroom, the light tube on the ceiling has long been broken into two pieces, the wall skin has weathered and peeled off, and a lot of cracked wall skin has accumulated on the ground. The tables, chairs and benches were in a mess, and dusty garbage was piled up on the ground.

The current scene is very similar to the scene Liang Fei saw in the water before. They both look like a teaching building that has been abandoned for several years.

During the game, Liang Fei saw two versions of the teaching building. One is a classroom that is the same as the memories of the transfer students, and the other is a dilapidated classroom that has been abandoned for several years.

Judging from the last image he saw, the classroom he saw at the beginning was actually an illusion created by the transfer students.

In the brand-new version of the classroom, he found scratched desks and altered diaries, and mistakenly believed that the transfer students were being bullied by the whole class. However, these are nothing but fantasies created by transfer students under the tremendous pressure of the college entrance examination and secret exposure.

The bubble version of the classroom is the real world. In this version of the world, the transfer students were not bullied, but chose to kill themselves due to mental pressure.

The transfer student's soul is forever trapped in painful memories, and the increasing sense of depression is like the continuous rainwater in the teaching building, drowning him little by little in the cage of painful memories.

In addition, the key clue to escape from the secret room of the teaching building is "the only way out". For the players participating in the game, the exit is set in the stagnant water at the height of the third floor, implying that jumping into the water is the only way for the transfer students to escape from the mental prison. way out of the cage.


The cold dew dripped down the blades of grass, leaving little wet marks on the ground.

The game mission is completed, and the familiar white light appears again. Liang Fei was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that Xie Kun and Luo Xinyu could catch up with him within a minute after seeing him pass the level successfully. Why haven't these two people appeared until now?

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