49: Voting certificate

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"A small mistake, don't worry about it." Zhang Qiang noticed Liang Fei's eyes, lifted the chain on his wrist, took off the severed hand on the other end of the chain and threw it away.

"Should I explain the severed hand?" Liang Fei said coldly.

"Sorry, I thought anyone who could kill a predator would know this method." Zhang Qiang glanced at the gun on Liang Fei's arm pointingly.

The fatal flaw of firearms is destined to be unable to be used by a single person. Those of them who have a team organization will have their own "blood bag". These "blood bags" are generally the weak ones who wake up first during the preparation period, or the enemies who have lost their ability to attack during the battle.

As for the broken hand on the chain, it was just that his last blood bag was hollowed out by the gun and was useless, so he threw it out as a meat shield.

Zhang Qiang explained to Liang Fei without changing his face, while Xia Jue listened with disgust on his face. However, no matter how much he disliked it, in this escape game where at most six people could survive, what Zhang Qiang and others did was just a routine operation.

"You want us to join Xingxiu so earnestly, just because you want us to be blood bags?" Xia Jue sneered.

"Of course not," Zhang Qiang quickly denied, "You can fight two predators at the same time, and you are also the most powerful type in the organization. How could you be regarded as a blood bag?"

"Li Lidu and I invited you to join, not only to thank you for your life-saving grace, but also for ourselves." Zhang Qiang continued to explain, "We came out to carry out the mission this time, not only did we not find any clues about the special virus, but also Encountered two predators."

"Because we were no match for those two monsters, Li Lidu and I lost our 'blood bags' during our escape. In order to get new 'blood bags', we need to make some other contributions to the organization."

Liang Fei said: "Bringing people to join the organization is also considered a contribution? Aren't you afraid of exposing the location of the organization's base and being attacked by other people?"

"This is the arrangement of the leader. We only need to complete the task and get the contribution points." Zhang Qiang said nonchalantly, "Besides, there are already several strong men in our team who finally woke up during the preparation period. Looking for a way to die."

These words of temptation and threat made Liang Fei roughly understand the reason why Xingxiu recruited so much.

The entire restricted area is so big, those who want to escape from fighting can hide in any place, and it will not be easy to be found again. The star master actively exposed the location of the base, and even recruited members everywhere, but in fact it was just speeding up the process of fleeing and killing.

Those who want to be unfavorable to Xingxiu, go to Xingxiu to find faults are just asking for their own death. Those who want to join Xingxiu promote the development of this organization. When Xingxiu grows enough to kill all non-members in the restricted area, an internal cleanup can be started to complete the distribution of surviving places as quickly as possible.

"Lead the way." Liang Fei agreed to their invitation.

He and the hunting crow originally wanted to sneak into a certain organization and obtain the information they collected. If the organization is the strongest team in the box right now, then all the better.

Seeing Liang Fei agreeing without hesitation, Xia Jue broke out in a cold sweat instantly.

Liang Fei only saw Zhang Qiang's disdain for blood bags, but he hadn't seen the cruelty within the Xingxiu organization. When he really came into contact with the horror of Xingxiu, it would be too late to get away.

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