126: White Queen

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【Good luck. 】

Dropping these words mysteriously, the puppet dodged and left from the passage. He smiled strangely while facing the direction of the two of them, so that no one dared to enter the same passage with Liang Fei.

"What does this wood mean?" Xie Kun frowned.

Liang Fei shook his head, and the puppet came to remind them, but the content of the reminder was worthless. The passage has been selected, no matter how alarmist the puppet man is, the two can only keep their heads down and move on.

Behind the two, the puppet stared at the deep passage and let out a strange click-click laugh.

[It's a pity that no matter how good luck is, it's useless. Because the survival rate of players who met "him" is zero so far. 】


The corridor leading to the fifth floor is extremely long, and the unchanged steps seem to continue to the other side of the earth.

When the two finally reached the bottom, a door with black on the left and white on the right appeared at the end of the stairwell. The two left and right door handles are white on the left and black on the right, which is the shape of a "chariot" in chess.

Staring at the doorknob, Liang Fei suddenly thought of the puppet man's "bishop" cane, and asked doubtfully, "Will the puppet man lie in the rules?"

Xie Kun followed Liang Fei's gaze and also saw the door handle of the "chariot", and instantly understood Liang Fei's concern.

When the puppet announced the new rules of the game, it said that there were five managers including it. And the puppet waved its new cane many times in the living room, as if emphasizing that there are some clues on the cane.

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"'Bishop' represents the puppet, and 'chariot' represents the manager behind the door." Liang Fei guessed, "But chess pieces include 'king, queen, bishop, chariot, knight, and soldier', a total of six types. "

"If there is a one-to-one correspondence between the types of chess pieces and the managers, there will be one more type of chess pieces that cannot find the corresponding manager." Liang Fei said, "or there is one less manager corresponding to the last type of chess pieces."

"You want to say that the puppet deliberately concealed the real number of managers?" Xie Kun said, "But what's the point of doing this? Managers have higher authority than players in the game, and can even control the lives and deaths of players. It's unnecessary Lying in a place like this."

"For example, let the player go through life and death, survive from five managers, and finally see the hope of completing the game, the sixth manager suddenly appears and kicks the player back into the abyss of despair?" Liang Fei said.

The atmosphere was suddenly silent for a while. Liang Fei awkwardly defended: "According to the game routine, isn't it usually like this?"

"It's just kind of funny. Don't worry about it now, no matter if there are six managers, seven or eight, let's see what happens." Xie Kun pushed the door completely open, and the whole picture of the fifth floor was displayed on the In front of the two people.

"This is... the library?" The scene in front of him made Liang Fei gasp.

Ordinary libraries would not surprise Liang Fei so much, but the library on the fifth floor almost exceeds the limit of the term "library", and it may be more appropriate to describe it as "book city". As far as the two of them could see, there were densely packed bookshelves. All kinds of books are neatly arranged on the bookshelves, and you can feel a strong sense of heaviness at a glance.

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