14: Whole body disinfection

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The air vibration driven by the sound waves shocked the minds of everyone in the hunting area. The monsters sensitive to sound were completely enraged, losing their minds one after another, flocking towards the source of the sound crazily!

The security team is familiar with the terrain of the maze and has rich experience in dealing with monsters. They quickly recovered the crazy monsters in the hunting area.

Knowing that the situation was under control, Liang Fei relaxed and sat on the edge of the maze with some relief. It wasn't until he relaxed his tense nerves that he belatedly realized how serious his injuries were.

The guards came in and out, cleaning up the corpses and anesthetized monsters in the maze. Liang Fei was a little surprised that these people didn't give priority to carrying him away as the wounded.

Before he could ask the guards for help, a pair of black leather shoes suddenly appeared in front of him. Liang Fei raised his head, just in time to meet a pair of suppressed angry eyes.

"Doctor..." Liang Fei smiled hastily. He sensed the too cold low air pressure on the doctor's body, and reflexively quietly hid the wounds on his arms and legs.

Unfortunately, the bleeding wound on his head couldn't be hidden even if he wanted to.

"Take it out." Nie Ming's voice was cold, Liang Fei was startled, thinking that Nie Ming had found his USB flash drive.

He didn't know where the courage came from, and he froze in place.

Seeing that Liang Fei didn't listen, Nie Ming bent down, put his arm over Liang Fei's shoulder, and grabbed his wrist.

Liang Fei didn't expect this civilian villain to have such strong hands. Before he could struggle for a moment, Nie Ming grabbed his hands and broke them apart.

Warm blood continued to drip down his fingers, Liang Fei let go of his hand, because of inexplicable nervousness just now, he even forgot that he was still holding a paper knife in his hand!

Nie Ming took out the paper cutter in his hand, and the cut palm was bright red, and by the way, Nie Ming's hand was also dyed red. He quickly wiped Nie Ming's hand, trying to wipe off the blood on Nie Ming's hand, but he didn't expect that this action would tear the wound open, and hot blood could not stop flowing into Nie Ming's hand.

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Liang Fei's unintentional action stimulated Nie Ming's nerves even more. He grabbed Liang Fei's hand, pulled Liang Fei into his arms, and grabbed Liang Fei's knee with his right hand, and picked him up.

Nie Ming's face darkened even more when he saw that Liang Fei's remaining calf was also covered in blood.

"You like this place very much? Like staying with these living corpses?" Nie Ming's voice was low, making Liang Fei confused.

Liang Fei was hugged in his warm arms, but he was shivering from the cold by the voice. He felt that if he didn't answer this question well, something terrible would definitely happen.


"Then why did you run into the hunting area twice, I heard that you killed another living corpse?"

Liang Fei was hugged by Nie Ming, and when he looked up, he could see the corner of his mouth slightly raised. Although Nie Ming was smiling, Liang Fei felt a chill.

"I only know that people can hide in this place." After a moment of silence, Liang Fei added, "I don't know where you went."

The second half of the sentence meant to blame Nie Ming. In this context, it was more like acting like a baby. Liang Fei quickly wanted to explain, but this "acting like a baby" somehow pleased Nie Ming, even the cold smile on the corner of his mouth Bringing some warmth, Liang Fei tactfully shut up.

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