36: Heart

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"Master!" Jia Yue rushed out of his small room and ran to Liang Fei nervously.

The chaos outside the window remained, and neither of them had figured out the situation yet.

bang bang bang!

It's not so much a knock as a slamming door. Liang Fei walked over and took a look through the cat's eyes, but he didn't expect that the person who knocked on the door was Xu Yueqi who always obeyed the etiquette of knocking on the door.

"There's chaos outside! It's not safe to stay in the room! Come with us!" Xu Yueqi hurriedly said.

She saw the state of Liang Fei and Jia Yue clearly, turned around and led the way for them.

Liang Fei knew that there was something strange going on outside, so without hesitation, he pulled people and followed him out.

There was no one in the corridor, only the loud noise outside. Xu Yueqi didn't seem nervous, and she wasn't even interested in the chaos outside, so Liang Fei didn't ask any further questions.

A few minutes later, Xu Yueqi took the two of them to the audio-visual entertainment room on the third floor.

Xu Yueqi knocked on the door with a special frequency, Zhang Yun'an was already waiting in the audio-visual entertainment room, seeing Xu Yueqi brought her, she walked outside the door instead.

"It's relatively quiet here, you can rest here, Yun'an and I went outside to check the situation." Xu Yueqi said.

Liang Fei was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that these two people specifically looked for this place, and they just wanted him to have a good rest.

"It looks like there's a lot of noise outside, but it's actually just a small disturbance. Yun'an and I found this audio-visual entertainment room, which happens to be sound-proof." Xu Yueqi explained, "If you stay in the original room, you may be affected. Why don't you first Stay here and come out after resting."

Liang Fei and Jia Yue were the key to their survival in the siren game, Xu Yueqi and Xu Yueqi didn't dare to make Liang Fei too tired, so they came up with this method.

Liang Fei figured out the reason, so he could only thank him helplessly. After all, it was the kindness of his teammates, and he just wanted to rest for a while. As for those things outside, I believe teammates can help find out.

Both Xu Yueqi and Zhang Yun'an went out, leaving only Liang Fei and Jia Yue in the room.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, and it was not good to turn on the device to watch a movie at such a time, so they could only sit staring wide-eyed.

Liang Fei recalled the situation of the siren game last night, and suddenly thought of a question.

He asked: "Several guests were out of mind control last night. Did the Kraken deliberately release the control, or did his ability become weaker?"

Jia Yue shook his head and said: "My strength is not as strong as his, so I can't tell." Having said this, Jia Yue suddenly frowned with a sense of crisis, and stared at Liang Fei nervously.

Will the master dislike him for being too weak! ?

Liang Fei didn't think about it at all, so he didn't notice Jiayue's nervousness, and his thinking was still on the ability of the sea monster.

"His ability is stronger than yours, is it because he's 'mature'?" Liang Fei continued to ask. He always felt that using the word "mature" was a bit weird, but he was afraid that the description of "adult" would be inaccurate.

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