86: Misfortune diverted to the east

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Senluo City is located in a remote location, at the junction of several countries. Due to inconvenient transportation and no exploitable natural resources, it has been neglected by neighboring countries.

For several neighboring countries, Senluo City has no value in establishing diplomatic relations. But for the underground organizations in these countries, Sun Luo City is the best communication place.

There are no high taxes and strict regulations here, and there is no need to worry about accidentally hurting ordinary people or fearing nobles. As long as the strength is strong enough, it can occupy a place in Senluo City.

The facilities on the ground alone cannot satisfy the transaction operations between the major forces. The reason why underground organizations from various countries are really attracted to reside here is actually the underground city located directly below Senluo City--Rasheng City!

Among the current leaders of the organization, no one knows the origin of Luosheng City. With the passage of time, the various organizations stationed in Sen Luo City have changed batch after batch, and the history of Ra Sheng City has long been submerged in the torrent of time.

Sen Luo City and Ra Sheng City are opposed to each other, one stands in a barren wilderness, and the other is buried in the dark underground.

Only the core personnel of the major organizations knew the existence of Luosheng City. However, after the old city lord disclosed the successor selection rules, the secrets of Luosheng City were exposed to the people of the entire city.

Liang Fei's current location is exactly one of the entrances leading to Luosheng City.

"Going in from here is the Luosheng City you mentioned?" Liang Fei picked up a torch and slowly approached the dark underground passage.

"It was just a warehouse before," Xie Kun explained, "but now it has been opened."

Each organization occupies a part of Rasheng City according to its sphere of influence. The territories of various organizations are not connected, which is equivalent to their underground warehouses.

And after the old city lord set the stage for the heir's competition in Luosheng City, the fences that separated the territories disappeared. The entire Luosheng City has truly turned into an underground city from an underground warehouse divided into hundreds of pieces.

The entrances of Raosheng City are located in every corner of the ground. All organizations in Senluo City can exclusively occupy an underground entrance.

On the second night of the day of reckoning, in order to gain the approval of the old city lord as soon as possible and obtain the qualifications to be the heir to the leader, almost all the organizations stood ready at the entrance of their own houses.

The underground entrance that Xie Kun found once belonged to an ordinary small organization. The small organization was "completely wiped out" by other forces on the day of reckoning last year, and the headquarters of the small organization did not send anyone to Senluo City to station, so it was completely deserted.

Liang Fei confirmed that there was no danger in the passage, checked his sidearms again, and stepped into the secret place underground of Senluo City with Xie Kun.

The underground passage was cold and damp, and it could be seen that no one had been there for a long time. Since the small organization stationed here disappeared, the underground warehouse has become an "underground empty grave".

Liang Fei calculated the height of the stone steps, and finally stepped on the flat ground when he reached the thirty-fifth step. Each level of stairs here is about 30 centimeters long, and the depth of the dungeon from the ground is about ten meters.

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