94: End

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Born in a refugee area, from the first second he opened his eyes, he lived in lies and illusions. Xie Kun once tried to get rid of everything in Senluo City, but in the end he constructed the biggest lie in the whole city single-handedly.

In order to end his life full of falsehoods, Xie Kun planned to erase all traces of his existence in Senluo City. Let Asa "kill" the city lord of Senluo City and the information dealer Xia Zuo, and let the city lord of Luosheng City "kill" Asa and Bivis.

In the end, he selected a new "liar" and killed the Lord of Rasheng City, making him disappear in Senluo City forever.

However, all of this was disrupted after Liang Fei appeared.

Xie Kun suddenly didn't want to die anymore, because he had found the sense of reality that he had been lacking all along.

He fell on Liang Fei's body, feeling the faint pain from the gunshot wound, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Liang Fei stood there in a daze for a moment, he hugged Xie Kun who had fallen on him, and the reason for Xie Kun's motivation was still echoing in his mind. Xie Kun doesn't want to live in the illusion forever, but wants to erase his own existence. And the final step of the plan is to let the current city lord of Luosheng die and the new city lord succeed him.

So now you are pouring on him with a sense of ritual, are you trying to say that you are already "dead"?

Liang Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this man's pulse was even more steady than his own, how dare he pretend to be dead?

He held Xie Kun's shoulder, shook it vigorously a few times, pretended to be serious and said: "Don't die first, give me the seat of the city lord."

After pretending to be dead for less than three seconds, it was revealed that Xie Kun looked up regretfully: "Fei Fei, don't you feel sad first?"

Liang Fei let go of Xie Kun, but did not put on a sad expression as Xie Kun wished. He said lightly, "Aren't you still alive?"

"You have indeed 'killed' me." Xie Kun suddenly took a step closer, put his hands on Liang Fei's shoulders, and said seriously, "The Lord of Luosheng City who lived in lies is dead."

"From now on, I will never lie to you again." He looked serious and looked into Liang Fei's eyes intently. Those eyes were calm and clear, as if abandoning everything in the past and welcoming a new life.

The city lord of Luosheng City who was full of lies was "killed", and only the real Xie Kun will be there from now on.

"I don't love you" was his last lie to Liang Fei.

"No more cheating" was his first promise after his new life.

Stared at by Xie Kun's candid eyes, Liang Fei couldn't help but want to believe what Xie Kun said.

He knew that Xie Kun was habitually full of lies, and was even teased several times by Xie Kun. However, in such unconcerned eyes, rationality had to give way to sensibility, allowing him to give unreserved trust.

The sapphires that adorn the pools are still glowing faintly, and the stars encased in them twinkle, witnessing the promise of those who have been reborn.

Xie Kun took out the sapphire placed on the platform in the water, and took Liang Fei's right hand with his other hand.

The gemstone soaked in cold water became icy cold, and the coolness spread from the palm to the arm. Liang Fei held a sapphire in his hand, while his right hand was wrapped by Xie Kun's hand.

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