05: Hunting area

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The core location of the research institute is the monitoring room and reference room. The office in the middle of these two rooms is the real center of the entire institute.

The guard knocked on the door of the office and said respectfully: "Dr. Nie, Major Ding is still clamoring to see you, do you want to bring him here?"

Nie Ming looked at the documents in his hands, without raising his eyelids, and said coldly, "Let's dry it for a while."

"But Major Ding said that if he doesn't see you within an hour, he will report to the military department our research team's dereliction of duty." The security guard said bravely, "Major Ding still doesn't know your real identity, if he knows , I will never dare to..."

The second half of the guard's sentence was still in his throat. Nie Ming looked expressionless, raised his eyes and gave him a look, and then read the information again.

The guard was so frightened by this glance that he broke into a cold sweat, swallowed the second half of the sentence, and regretted it, why he couldn't think about it and dared to question Dr. Nie's decision.

Boom boom boom!

The office door was knocked three times hastily, and before Nie Ming could open his mouth to let someone in, a man in a white coat had already opened the door.

The guard's face was sweating even more. This man dared to break into Dr. Nie's office. If he didn't want to live, he shouldn't be dragging him.

"Doctor, s-09 ran out!" the white coat said eagerly.

Nie Ming threw the documents in his hand and stood up. Before the security guard could react, Nie Ming disappeared from the office.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]


On the other side, Liang Fei hid behind the obstacle, trying to adjust his fast breathing.

The monster that suddenly appeared was not included in the game's public information. It was probably a small monster of the same type as the big monster I saw yesterday, because it also had a strong smell of water.

There was a rustling sound not far away, and Liang Fei knew now that it was the monster's footsteps that he heard in the corridor.

In the short confrontation just now, Liang Fei took advantage of the monster's attention on the body that had been bitten off half of its head, turned around and rushed into the maze. He subconsciously believes that the IQ of monsters is lower than that of humans. As long as he enters the maze, he can always shake the monsters away by going around.

After fleeing for a full 20 minutes, Liang Fei discovered to his grief that this monster was more familiar with the terrain of the maze than he was, and could even use the terrain of the maze to intercept and kill him!

Continuing to go deeper into the maze is not good for him. The deeper terrain is an unfamiliar map to him, but to that monster, it is more like his own back garden.

He took a short break for two minutes and started moving again. This time he decided to choose the fastest route back to the outside of the maze based on the maze map in his memory.

Slap... Slap...

The smell of water in the air became stronger again, and the sound of the monster's footsteps was getting closer. Liang Fei counted silently in his heart, and the moment the countdown reached zero, his feet were like arrows flying off the string, running at full speed towards the route he had planned in his mind.

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