121: Copy

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The timing of the appearance of another "Liang Fei" was very coincidental, just when Xie Kun looked away and Liang Fei himself was checking the corpse.

As soon as Liang Fei looked up, he saw a person who looked exactly like him, so he wasn't frightened by the person, but he felt a headache. He looked at the expressionless Xie Kun, and only missed the classic line "He is fake, I am real!".

Liang Fei carefully looked at the counterfeit in front of him, and could hardly find any flaws. Most of the wounds on Xie Kun's abdomen were caused by counterfeit products, not by Liang Fei himself who wounded people unconsciously.

No need to worry about who the sneak attacker is anymore, the question now turns to whether the counterfeit is another player or an npc in the game environment.

The special props in the game of life and death are all kinds of strange things, maybe they have the ability to disguise themselves as others. But if the person in front of him is another player, how would he know how to disguise himself as "Liang Fei" to make the Black Queen Xie Kun less vigilant?

If the counterfeit is an npc in the game, why pretend to be him?

Liang Fei suddenly lowered his head and looked at the corpse whose eyes had been gouged out on the ground.

Perhaps this corpse, like the other "Liang Fei", was an impostor pretending to be a player. This can also explain why Dai Guang appeared on the next floor alive and kicking after being dragged away by the giant spider.

Liang Fei didn't speak, neither did the counterfeit. Standing in Xie Kun's perspective, when he turned his head, he saw that the senior who gave him a headache turned into two.

The two Liang Fei looked at each other without even a word of excuse. One looked at the corpse on the ground, and the other looked at the other direction of the corridor. They seemed to get along "harmoniously"?

Xie Kun was ignored for a while, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Seniors always do things beyond his expectations. When this happens, isn't the first reaction to do everything possible to gain his trust?

Xie Kun put down his right hand, the impact of the long knife on the ground made the two Liang Fei turn their heads at the same time. As if they finally realized that there was another person at the scene, the two "Liang Fei" looked away one after another and looked at Xie Kun calmly.

"Senior, won't you explain what's going on now?" Xie Kun said casually, as if he didn't care at all which of the two Liang Fei was the imposter who stabbed him.

One of them, "Liang Fei", answered first: "There is a creature here that can pretend to be a player, and the impostor on the other side appeared while I was checking the corpse."

Before the "Liang Fei" who spoke first finished speaking, the other "Liang Fei" continued the conversation without any change in his expression: "Until you find definite evidence, you don't need to make judgments, just keep a safe distance from us. I can protect yourself."

However, Xie Kun was a little dissatisfied with such a proposal: "Did the senior forget that I said you can't be more than three meters away from me?"

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source-changing app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp.org]

"No." The two Liang Fei said at the same time.

Xie Kun had expected such a reply, he moved his eyes and carefully looked at the difference between the two Liang Fei.

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