64: Flowers

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Hearing Meng Kai's exclamation, everyone on the kayak tensed up instantly.

"What water monster?" Yu Tao snapped.

Meng Kai stared at the water surface and frowned tightly. At that moment just now, he indeed saw a large black afterimage. But the water in this lake is very deep, and the green reflections of the trees by the lake do not rule out the possibility that he sees the reflections as water monsters.

The other people on the kayak dared not be careless, and the few people sitting on the side of the kayak kept their eyes on the water surface, always on guard for underwater movements.

"I...Fang Yunfeng and I have never encountered a water monster the last time we came here." Tong Wenwen panicked.

As soon as she finished speaking, Meng Kai suddenly yelled, "Here we come!"


The kayak carrying eight people shook violently, causing a large splash of water!

Ye Menglei, who was sitting on the edge of the kayak, was almost shaken off, but it was Liang Fei who caught her back with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Ye Menglei was frightened, and habitually wanted to rush into the arms of her savior, but before she could reach out her hands, she saw the boss sitting beside Liang Fei, looking at her with a smile.

She suddenly withdrew her weeping expression, concealed the panic in her heart with a cold face, and said quickly, "You're welcome."

Fortunately, Liang Fei's attention was not on this side at all, and he didn't hear Ye Menglei say something wrong in panic.

"Hold on tight! It's coming again!" Meng Kai firmly grasped the handrail on the side of the kayak, and looked solemnly at the water monster that was getting closer.

A black shadow slowly enlarged on the surface of the lake, and the lake water followed the approach of the water monster, creating waves in circles.

The lonely kayak on the lake swayed under the undulating waves, as if it might roll over at any time.

"Turn off the engine." Duan Zhang said.

The small broken engine on the kayak could not allow them to escape the attack of the water monster at all, and the chug noise might attract other dangers.

Yu Tao quickly turned off the engine, the chug disappeared instantly, and the whole lake was suddenly silent.

The kayak continued to slide forward for a certain distance along the inertia, and the drifting speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped in the middle of the lake.

"Are you still there?" Yu Tao's voice was a little nervous. He couldn't swim, and he couldn't exert half of his strength on the water. If monsters in the water knocked over the kayak, it would be difficult for him to protect himself.

"Let me take another look..." Meng Kai squinted his eyes, trying to find the location of the water monster in the green lake.

boom! boom!

"Ah!-" The water monster hit the kayak again, and Tong Wenwen suddenly let out a scream.

"Shut up!" Yu Tao roared nervously.

As soon as Yu Tao's words fell, the water surface suddenly made a "crash" sound, and a huge black tail suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

"What the hell is this!" Yu Tao widened his eyes in shock.

Less than two meters away from the kayak, a four-meter-long black shadow slowly swims!

The speed of the black shadow suddenly increased, and then with a "bang", it slammed into the kayak!

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