32: Lover

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After the initial madness, Wang Jin finally woke up belatedly, and these chips no longer belonged to him.

More than a dozen slaves who followed him were taken away by the croupier one after another, and Wang Jin's surroundings suddenly became empty. Under the eyes of the crowd, his dejected figure looked extremely embarrassed.

"Wang Shao actually lost? Am I right?" Some onlookers couldn't believe it.

"That kid Wang Jin has won for so long, and finally met a hard bone. If he is so crazy, he deserves his teeth to be broken." Someone sneered.

"Who is the one who won Young Master Wang? Why haven't I heard of his name before?"

Those who think faster think of more things.

The fat man who wanted to gamble with Wang Jin pushed away the crowd, and once again stood in front of Wang Jin: "Wang Jin, you just lost a game, why are you so excited?"

"Why don't I give you a chance to save face, brother, and let me play another gamble with you? Young Master Wang is so powerful, he will definitely turn things around immediately." The fat man said in a strange way.

Wang Jin glanced at the fat man, and coldly refused, "I don't have any chips, so I won't bet with you."

Fatty dislikes Wang Jin's attitude of ignoring him the most. He was refuted by Wang Jin in front of so many people before. He has already made a note of Wang Jin in his heart. Now that he has a chance to take revenge, he will naturally not let Wang Jin continue. Go down proudly.

The fat on his face trembled, and he said viciously: "Unfortunately, I am challenging you, and you have no chance to refuse."

As soon as the fat man finished speaking, the surrounding crowd realized what the fat man wanted to do, and there were voices of regret. They all lamented that they were immersed in the shock of Wang Jin's horse's failure, and they didn't expect to seize the opportunity of Wang Jin's defeat to make things worse.

"You bastard, you!" Wang Jin also figured out Fatty's real purpose, trembling with anger.

The person being challenged has no right to refuse. He was the one who challenged Liang Fei in high spirits before. Unexpectedly, in the reincarnation of karma, it was his turn to feel the injustice of this rule when he was at his worst.

The croupier stepped forward to confirm the fat man's challenge to Wang Jin. Wang Jin lost all his chips and slaves in the last challenge game. He was penniless and was directly judged as the loser in the fat man's challenge game.

Most of the onlookers were inspired to disperse, wanting to imitate the fat man to challenge the penniless, and look for the gamblers who lost all their chips in the lobby.

The fat man took a collar from the waiter and happily put it on Wang Jin. Wang Jin wanted to struggle, but his hands and feet were firmly suppressed by several waiters.

For Wang Jin, who personally put collars on more than a dozen slaves, he knew exactly what a normal person would look like if he wore this thing. He screamed and struggled crazily, his eyes were full of fear and resentment, and finally he could only watch the collar strangled his neck in despair.

The moment the collar was put on, Wang Jin was quiet.

He stood there blankly like a puppet whose soul had been emptied. The fat man pushed him, and he woke up suddenly, and seemed to be back to normal again.

"Aren't you crazy?" Fatty got what he wanted, and slapped Wang Jin's face with his fat hand, "Show me another crazy one?"

"Master." Wang Jin lowered his head and knelt down obediently on the ground.

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