89: Two five boys

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Being called out by the leader of the Red Sleeve Gang, Xie Kun smiled indifferently, and found a chair in the room.

He placed the chair in front of the leader of the Red Sleeve Gang, and sat opposite him, as if he was going to have a long talk.

"Miles, I didn't die because of your betrayal, but instead became the lord of Luosheng City, should I be grateful to you?" Xie Kun mocked.

The leader of the Red Sleeve Gang, or Miles sneered, and said without regret: "They are all born in the refugee area of ​​Senluo City. What do you talk about about trust and companions? You were deceived by me, which can only show your deceitfulness." It's not deep enough."

Xie Kun didn't expect Miles to say an apology. When he was betrayed by him, he realized that no one in Sun Luo City could be trusted.

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Five years ago, he and Miles just came out of the refugee area, dreaming of getting rid of the shackles of this city of lies, and seeing the outside world where there is no deceit and betrayal in the legend.

However, after all, the two are only young and energetic, and they are attracted by the power and prosperity of Sun Luo City before they have the qualifications to leave Sun Luo City. They are determined to achieve a certain status in Sun Luo City before fulfilling their dreams.

Xie Kun used the lying skills and information gathering ability honed in the refugee area to become a well-known intelligence dealer in Senluo City. Miles, on the other hand, has accomplished nothing, wandering the streets all day, planning to join the largest organization in Sun Luo City.

Later, Xie Kun felt that the life of being bound by lies every day was very boring, so he recalled the agreement with Miles, and wanted to escape with him to the outside of Senluo City.

"I'm still very confused now, why did you betray me without hesitation because of your qualifications as the lowest member of the Red Sleeve Gang." Xie Kun leaned back on the seat and said in a relaxed tone.

"As soon as you left the refugee area, you became a well-known intelligence dealer in the city, but I was not accepted by any organization because of my identity in the refugee area. If it were you, you would do the same." Myers sneered.

He wanted to sneer, but Xie Kun shook his head and said in denial, "I won't do like you."

"If I can catch an influential intelligence dealer in Senluo City, the first thing I need to do is to intercept the source of his intelligence. After I torture all the information I want, I will lock up the intelligence dealer and let me replace him." His identity. In the end, he used his identity as an intelligence dealer as a bargaining chip to negotiate with members of the Red Sleeve Gang." Xie Kun's voice was still relaxed, as if the intelligence dealer he was talking about had nothing to do with him.

Miles' face turned pale. He was really young and energetic at the beginning. After betraying Xie Kun, his mind was full of avoiding the accusations of his old friends, and he couldn't think of the means Xie Kun said.

Thinking of the hardships he has suffered all these years in order to climb to a high position, his mentality is even more unbalanced. He said angrily: "I have always been inferior to you. I finally became the leader of the Red Sleeve Gang, but ended up as a prisoner."

"But don't be complacent," Miles said with a sarcasm. "At the beginning you couldn't bear the lies of Sun Luo City, so you planned to escape from Sun Luo City. It's a pity that after all these years, you have lived as Sun Luo City instead. Biggest lie!"

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