04: Maze

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Liang Fei was awakened by the buzzing noise in his ears, he opened his eyes in a daze, and what caught his eyes was the dazzling shadowless lamp. He blinked his eyes twice, and after finally figuring out where he was, his whole body was agitated and he wanted to turn over and sit up.

But the reality couldn't keep up with the imagination. He had just woken up from anesthesia, his whole body was limp and weak, no matter how excited his mind was, he could only lift his fingertips with all his strength.

He quickly calmed down, moved his right leg, which was supposed to be amputated, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the right leg was still intact.

He turned his head and glanced to the side, with a flash of surprise in his eyes. In the huge operating room, there were only two nurses arranging the surgical instruments.

Where did the doctor who was going to amputate him himself go?

Liang Fei felt that his body had regained a lot of strength, so he raised his head and looked out.

There were only two nurses standing in the shadows and working silently, and the sound of arguing came from the operating room, and Liang Fei was woken up by the noise.

"I just came here for surgery? I think you are operating on the air in the operating room!" The arrogant voice outside the room suddenly rose, and then Liang Fei heard a "bang", and the door of the operating room was kicked open. !

A man in a black uniform entered the door. After seeing that there was actually a person lying on the operating table, his footsteps obviously paused.

The doctor walked in expressionlessly, looking at the intruder with cold eyes.

"Short...Major, Team Leader Nie is really performing an operation. You can see that the patients are all on the operating table." A researcher wearing a mask hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him, "Why don't you wait a little longer? The operation is over and you It's not too late to talk to Team Leader Nie, is it?"

The person known as the major sneered and looked at the doctor provocatively: "Who knows how long Nie Ming will take for an operation? If he deliberately delays for a few hours, will I waste my time waiting for him for a few hours?"

Liang Fei sat up from the operating table. He saw that the major in black was here to deliberately find fault. Although this person was targeting the doctor, he did not expect to interrupt the operation by accident and save his right leg.

It also created a chance for him to never suffer future troubles.

The major in black was still showing off his might, while the doctor, or Nie Ming, just watched with cold eyes. Several researchers around were sweating profusely, and suddenly they heard a heart-piercing cough, which interrupted their dispute.

The major in black frowned and turned around. Other eyes in the room were also focusing on the source of the sound, which was the patient on the operating table.

Seeing the surroundings quiet down, Liang Fei said in a weak voice, "Doctor, can I still be treated for my infectious disease? After removing the lungs, will I not have to die?"

The face of the major in black turned black in an instant. He turned around and saw several researchers including Nie Ming, all of them were fully armed, even wearing goggles. Thinking of Liang Fei's "infectious disease", he almost wanted to Get out of this operating room full of pathogens immediately.

"It's just a research team leader, Nie Ming, just wait for me, and I'll tell you to look good later!" After throwing down a cruel sentence, the major in black didn't even look back, and disappeared in two steps in three steps at the same time. outdoor.

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