46: ​​Handcuffs

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The direction of the hunting crow was very purposeful. Liang Fei didn't know anything about the terrain of the restricted area and the rules of the game, so he followed him with peace of mind.

After walking in silence for a few minutes, Shou Ya suddenly stopped and asked behind Liang Fei's back, "Why did you give me the virus?"

Liang Fei thought, thanks to him being able to hold back for so long, he finally couldn't help asking.

Liang Fei took two steps forward and stood beside She Ya. He didn't answer She Ya's question directly, but promised him: "Your physical decline is my responsibility, and I will do my best to ensure that you survive to the end."

Shou Ya was stunned for a moment, and when he realized his gaffe, he immediately put on a disgusted expression. He looked Liang Fei's small body up and down, the distrust in his eyes was evident.

"It's true that I can't compete with those people in strength, but I believe that to win this game, you need more than strength." Liang Fei said seriously, "I can play a role in other aspects."

Shou Ya looked at Liang Fei with a sneer, and suddenly raised his hand to touch Liang Fei's cheek, jokingly and full of hints, he said slowly: "The role of other aspects?"

He was clearly talking about business, but the topic was diverted in such a strange direction by the hunting crow. He opened the hunting crow's hand, not bothering to argue with this person.

The two continued to walk on the bumpy dirt road for more than ten minutes. Liang Fei noticed an iron box with a strange painting style not far from the roadside.

After getting closer, Liang Fei saw clearly that the iron box turned out to be a vending machine.

The surrounding area is deserted, and the neat new vending machines stand out in such a garbage dump.

Hunting Crow's destination was this vending machine. He walked over to look at the contents of the vending machine, then turned around and asked, "Are there any coins?"

Liang Fei shook his head. His initial equipment was this suit, and even the dagger pinned to his waist was picked up from the vest man's corpse.


Seeing that Liang Fei didn't have any coins either, Shou Ya turned around and kicked the vending machine!

A few cans rolled down the shelf and fell to the pick-up port. The iron sheet of the vending machine was dented by a large piece, and the metal shell became tattered.

Liang Fei looked at the depression on the iron sheet in shock, and suddenly felt deeply suspicious of his promise to protect the hunting crow just now.

Has the boss' combat power really been reduced to 5?

Shou Ya took out several cans, opened a can of pure water at random, and washed his hands. Liang Fei's hands were wrapped like rice dumplings, so he didn't need to wash his hands for the time being.

"Take it." Shou Ya threw the can to Liang Fei, "There are not many supplies in the restricted area, and the vending machines will be destroyed soon, and it will not be easy to find food after a while."

Liang Fei found a barely usable bag from a pile of construction waste, and packed a few cans. He wanted to fill in some more purified water, but was stopped by the hunting crow.

"It's a waste of energy to take too many things. If I really can't find supplies, I will go grab them." Shou Ya said lightly.

Liang Fei felt helpless for a while, in such a chaotic environment, only Shouya could say such words. Most people are unwilling to make enemies everywhere in a melee, lest they fall into the dilemma of being attacked by groups.

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