142: To be or not to be

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Professor Chen's finger muscles twitched uncontrollably, he opened his mouth several times, and then swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

In the end, anger prevailed, and he said angrily, "So? So we have to make everyone give up hope? Let everyone in the research institute who is fighting for hope day and night do nothing and sit on the ground to meet their own death !"

Xie Kun tilted his head slightly, as if he didn't understand why Professor Chen lost control of his emotions. He said slowly: "I submitted the new response plan a month ago, has Professor Chen read it?"

Professor Chen's anger was cut off suddenly, like a robot whose signal was stuck, and even the expression on his face froze for a few seconds.

He looked at Xie Kun as if he was looking at a ridiculous monster. His previous anger was like a deflated ball, and he only sneered: "The plan of a great genius can only be understood by a genius. We ordinary people who are doing research on the front line, how can we Might be helpful?"

"Ordinary people are doing the useless struggle in the eyes of a genius. Let the genius continue to immerse himself in his wonderful ideas." Professor Chen waved his hand, a bit of annoyance flashed in his eyes, as if he regretted why he had wasted those few minutes just now. Xie Kun made an argument that didn't need an answer.

The rest of the staff obviously leaned more towards the "standpoint of ordinary people" and followed Professor Chen one after another. Soon, there was only one person left in the corridor. The boy's figure dragged a long shadow under the dim light, appearing even thinner in the long corridor.

Xie Kun was not affected by other people's attitudes, and he didn't even show any emotional fluctuations on his face. The previous encounter with Professor Chen was just an insignificant episode. He walked to the door at the end according to the original plan, opened the iron door, and tested the distance between the void and the door with a small instrument like a pen.

He glanced at the test data, thought for a while, then took back the instrument and returned the same way.

Liang Fei hurriedly followed behind him, all the way to the studio arranged for Xie Kun alone.

There is only a solitary name on the electronic projection at the door of the workshop. Together with the so-called "genius" name, this young man who is destined not to blend in with others is squeezed into a corner of the research institute.

Just like this one-person studio that is isolated from the crowd but located in the center, no matter how much other people want to ignore it, they can't restrain their instinct to move their eyes to the dazzling light.


After Xie Kun returned to the office, he has been concentrating on studying the newly collected data. Liang Fei leaned over to look at it for a while, but didn't see why, so he took this opportunity to wander around the room.

There are almost no personal items in the single-person office, and it can be seen that its owner is not a person full of zest for life. The piles of materials are in order. In the era of electronic information, paper materials have almost become synonymous with "important" and "confidential".

These paper materials are printed with dense numbers

According to the data, there is no useful information in the occasional text.

After Liang Fei studied the piles of things one by one, tens of minutes passed before he raised his head again. And within these few tens of minutes, the young version of Xie Kun sat motionless by the workbench, even staring at the screen at the same angle.

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