56: Lair

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The moment he realized that the thing approaching him was a predator, Liang Fei ran away, rushing in the opposite direction from the predator.

However, the speed of ordinary humans cannot be compared with monsters at all. As soon as Liang Fei took two steps, his arms and shoulders felt a sharp pain, and he was grabbed by a pair of sharp claws!

Liang Fei endured the pain and struggled under the claws of the predator. The sharp nails pierce the skin and firmly hold onto Liang Fei's bones!

Realizing that struggling would only pierce the flesh with the predator's claws, Liang Fei tried his best to relax his body, allowing the predator to drag him and run wildly in the corridor.

Liang Fei was annoyed secretly, as if he had been tricked by the Raiders again. But the predator didn't kill him directly, indicating that there was a turning point after that.

Stumbling along the way, Liang Fei felt that his bones were about to fall apart. After his head hit the floor hard again, the predator grabbed his clothes and threw him forward!


Liang Fei fell heavily to the ground, his eyes went black for a while.

After the predator threw him here, he didn't come over to check Liang Fei's condition. It took heavy steps, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

Not long after, Liang Fei's surroundings returned to dead silence. He moved his arms and legs lightly, touched the joints of his legs, and touched his ribs to confirm that he had no fractures.

He sat up slowly, looking suspiciously at the direction the predator left.

Could it be that the predator didn't like to eat people, so he was thrown here and ignored?


Suddenly there was the sound of some hard object colliding with the floor, Liang Fei's movements paused, he seemed to have touched an unknown object on the floor just now.

After confirming that there was no danger, Liang Fei groped towards the place where the sound came from, and touched a long, hard object.

In the darkness, he couldn't figure out what it was, so Liang Fei turned on the lighting device and brought the long thing in front of him.

It was a bone, and judging by the size and shape of the bone, it was most likely a human bone.

There are many small tooth marks on the bone, as if it has been carefully chewed by some kind of beast with dense teeth.

"Don't turn on the light!" A black figure suddenly rushed over from the darkness, and threw the lighting device in Liang Fei's hand under him!

"Xia Jue?" Liang Fei asked in shock.

Xia Jue also recognized Liang Fei's voice, although there was surprise in his eyes, there was a hint of the unexpected.

"What is this place?" Liang Fei asked.

"Where's the boss?" Xia Jue asked.

The two asked questions at the same time, and both of them couldn't help being stunned, not knowing who should answer the question first.

In the end, it was Xia Jue who answered first: "This should be the lair built by the predators who escaped after the research institute was abandoned."

"After I was caught by the predator in the corridor, I thought I was going to die. Unexpectedly, the predator didn't eat me, but dragged me all the way to this lair."

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