92: Believe in you

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The sky is getting brighter, but what the sun brings is not as peaceful as before.

The violent explosion sound awakened Senluo City from its slumber. When the residents of Senluo City pushed open the door, they did not hear the crisp copper bell of the body collector. What greeted them was only the bursts of air after the explosion. .

The ground at the center of the explosion was devastated, and after the underground building was blown up, the surrounding ground collapsed downward. The building just above the explosion point was implicated innocently, and the shattered bricks and tiles fell into the depression, blocking the blasted Rason City passage.

After the sound of the explosion, those who are interested rushed to the source of the sound to check, just in time for the scene where several black holes appeared around the explosion point.

Long, dry arms protruded from the black hole, followed by a dark head. The monsters that appeared from the other end of the black hole, with sharp nails and teeth that pierced the lips, continuously invaded Senluo City, which should not have supernatural phenomena.

The location where the black hole appears is very random, and several holes are just in the middle of the sky where there is no point of impact. After the monster escaped from the black hole, it fell heavily from midair to the ground. The ground is full of rubble and waste after the explosion. Unlucky monsters will hit sharp stones and even break bones directly.


Another monster smashed its head, its skull was broken and its limbs were twisted, it looked like it had been thrown to death. But tens of seconds later, the darkened limbs began to twitch rapidly, and the broken parts quickly repaired, healing themselves at a speed visible to the naked eye!

If Liang Fei were here at this time, he would immediately recognize these "old acquaintances".

Predator, a humanoid monster from "Virus Forbidden Zone", with powerful attack power and mobility, plus almost unsolvable self-healing ability, the danger level of "Virus Forbidden Zone" has been raised to the highest S level!

Residents of Senluo City faced monsters they had never seen before, like eggs that had been peeled off their shells, and they had no counter-control under the sharp claws of predators.

The bloody massacre kicked off, and the first group of unlucky people who bumped into the predators all died. It wasn't until the man wearing glasses came out from the ruins that the predators temporarily stopped killing humans.

Xue You raised his hand to stop, and the predator lay down neatly in front of him like a well-trained eagle dog.

"Only remove potential 'awakened' and those who have already awakened." Xue You ordered.

The predator stared straight at Xue You, not sure if he understood. When Xue You raised his hand again, the ruthless executioners rushed into the crowd like arrows leaving the string and started a brutal massacre.

Unlike the previous indiscriminate attacks, the massacred only accounted for a small part of the crowd, and the vast majority of people fled in panic on the streets, but they were not attacked by predators.

Those who were lucky enough to escape escaped from here with all their strength, and quickly passed on the news of the monsters appearing in Senluo City.

Xue You slowly followed behind the predator, looked up at the sky and smiled.

It's finally coming to an end, and the endless cycle of reincarnation is like a prison for the soul. Fortunately, all this despair is about to be ended forever by him.

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